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你知道这种蓑衣的制作材料是什么吗?What is this coir raincoat made of?

江南的蓑衣飘扬在诗意中。Coir raincoat of the south dances in the poetry.

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而蓑衣却依然沉睡在古典中。The coir raincoat, however, still sleeps deeply in classicality.

这江南的景色一半是属于蓑衣的,这季节的一半还是属于蓑衣的。Half of the southern scenery belongs to the coir raincoat, so does half of the season.

串蓑衣,上披关键部位在于领口,领囗做得扎实、粗壮。To make coir raincoat, the key point is the collar. Collar must be made in solid and sturdy way.

江南的蓑衣和竹笠经年地寻找,在远远的翘首远望。Year in and year out, coir raincoat and bamboo hat keep searching by raising their heads and looking far ahead.

当他在难得的寂静时分一个人端坐,蓑衣的影子就清晰地显现出来了,在脑海的某个角落里难以拂去。When he sits alone at a scarce moment, silhouette of the coir raincoat turns up clearly, staying adamantly at one corner of his mind.

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在更加苍黄的时日,主人来不及与它打招呼,溶进城市街衢的喧嚣。On a more greenish yellow day, the master is drowned in the boisterousness of the city, too hasty to say goodbye to the coir raincoat.

本研究系以废弃椰子纤维为原料,经由所设定的模具形状,作成固型无土栽培介质。The research used coir waste as raw material. When the material went through a designed pattern mold, it formed a fixed pattern as coir culture media.

那连绵的苍翠山峦,那层层叠叠的梯田,那高低错落犹如穿着蓑衣的房舍,总给人以平和而安详。One feels placid and peaceful when seeing the uninterrupted green hills and mountains, terraces layer after layer, and high and low houses as if in coir raincoats.

在某个茶室和酒吧间,他看见蓑衣还有他的竹笠高挂在髹漆得艳红或者金黄的柱子和墙壁上,落满红尘。In a certain teahouse or bar, he sees the coir raincoat and his bamboo hat, covered with crimson dust, hang high on the column and wall painted gorgeously red or golden.

分析了香蕉纤维、菠萝纤维和椰壳纤维的化学组成及物理机械性能,并介绍了它们的开发应用。The components, physical and mechanical properties of banana fiber, pineapple fiber and coir fiber are analysed, and their applications are also introduced in this paper.

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一袭蓑衣穿行在时空,犹如达摩的一苇渡江,把无限的禅机融入空荡和苍茫之中。Man in a coir raincoat traveling in time and space is like Ta-mo, who crossed a river by driving a reed over it, integrating endless Buddhist allegory with emptiness and indistinctness.

三月的江南,春光迷漫,而乡村道上穿着蓑衣的赶着牛群的牧童,总把一管缠绵的委婉的笛声传入我的耳鼓。Sights and sounds of spring spread across the south in March. Driving their herds forward, a corydon in coir raincoat plays the flute, sending lingering and euphemistic music to my ears.

本公司还生产椰棕床垫全套设备,蔬菜大棚保温被全套设备,喷胶棉、无胶棉、硬质棉、针刺棉等全套设备。Our company also produces a series of coir mattresses equipments, A full set of equipment of vegetable greenhouse insulation and spray-bonded cotton, non- glue cotton, hard cotton, cotton acupuncture.