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吃菠萝。Eat pineapple.

其实是菠萝花。The pineapple flower.

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好的,菠萝汁。Yes. Pineapple juice.

好的,菠萝汁。Good. Pineapple Juice.

我再要一个菠萝派。I want a pineapple pie.

我喜欢做菠萝派。I like making pineapple pie.

这凤梨尝起来很酸。The pineapple tastes very sour.

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妈妈说,我的小名叫凤梨。Mom said, my little name pineapple.

她喝了一杯凤梨汁。She drank a cup of pineapple juice.

我们有桔汁和菠萝汁。We have orange and pineapple juice.

我喜欢罐装的菠萝和桃子。I like canned pineapple and peaches.

我取出一个菠萝罐头,倒出菠萝汁,并榨干菠萝。I drain my pineapple juice from 1 can.

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进城送货凤梨芭乐。Delivered the pineapple guavas to town.

接着加入菠萝丁拌匀成馅料。Add in pineapple dices and blend to mix.

我要一个菠萝派和一杯可乐。I"d like a pineapple pie and some cola."

菠萝看起来像大松球。A pineapple looks like a large pine cone.

我送她一篮凤梨芭乐。I brough her a basket of pineapple guava.

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大风吹落芭乐果。Strong wind blew off the pineapple guavas.

这些水果包括凤梨和木瓜。These fruits include pineapple and papaya.

像人一样爱吃凤梨芭乐。Like the pineapple guavas as much as we do.