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我曾宣誓效忠。I pledged allegiance.

我应该值当你们的尽忠。I shall be worthy of your allegiance.

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他发誓不再效忠国王。He abjured his allegiance to the king.

对国家的慈心,就是忠。Third, the country's Metta is allegiance.

胜利者将赢得托伊达里亚的忠诚。The victor would win Toydaria's allegiance.

我宣誓忠于反季节的下雪。I pledge allegiance to the wrong kind of snow.

渴望毁灭的新政权将要出现。New allegiance will rise, thirsting for demise.

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他们保证忠于祖国。They pledged their allegiance to the motherland.

士兵们宣誓效忠于他们的祖国。The soldiers swore allegiance to their motherland.

唯有他值得我们奉献己身并效忠于他。Only He is deserving of our devotion and allegiance.

以我的名誊,我发誓对这组织效忠。On my honor, I pledge allegiance to this organization.

因此,你们会认为他们忠于所在的集体So, you would think they have some allegiance to them.

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阿奎拉尼一直宣誓效忠罗马。Aquilani has always pledged allegiance to Roma in the past.

效忠首领是波利尼西亚人最基本的文化。Allegiance to chiefs was a fundamental of Polynesian culture.

他们出席大会显示了他政治上的忠诚。His attendance at the rally declared his political allegiance.

我宣誓忠于我们的国菜咖喱鸡块。I pledge allegiance to our national dish, chicken tikka masala.

当我们宣誓效忠时,是向什么表达忠诚?What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance ?

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调查第三类是每年深入的效忠调查。The third type of survey is the annual in-depth Allegiance Survey.

这一胜利使他得以要求缅甸中部归顺于他。This success enabled him to claim the allegiance of central burma.

一旦他们穿上黑色的法官服,大法官们不忠诚于任何人。Once they don the black gown, justices owe no allegiance to anyone.