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这是他们的口号。That was their slogan.

天合联盟的口号?What is SkyTeam slogan ?

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握奇的口号是什么?What's the slogan of Watchdata?

奥巴马的胜选口号。Obama's winning campaign slogan.

标语是2008年在意大利开始的。That slogan began in Italy in 2008.

我应该为自己的开始喊一些口号吗?Do I start with some slogan for myself?

广州的申亚口号是什么?What's the slogan of Guangzhou Asian Games?

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他以同样的口号结束了他的演讲。He finished his speech with the same slogan.

记得,咱们的口号需要是既上口又好记。Make sure our slogan is catchy and memorable.

“百花齐放,百家争鸣”是指导中国文学的一条语录。Contend is a slogan guiding China's literature.

真实是所有人的口号,却是极个别人的目标。Is the slogan of all real, but confuses a goal.

我们的大运会口号是“从这里开始”。Our slogan for the Universiade is "Start Here".

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那广告用语与其产品名称一语双关。The slogan is a pun on the name of the product.

“没有弄乱,无事”是一个伟大的口号记住。"No muss, no fuss" is a great slogan to remember.

我想它的口号是“让英国保持英国风”。I think their slogan is "Keeping Britain British".

这是美国人最精典的教育口号。This is the education of America's classic slogan.

但是,他最著名的口号是“为人民服务”。Yet his most famous slogan was “Serve the People”.

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“思变”是年会的标语。"Plan for change" was the slogan of the conference.

在那儿你会看到这条标语写在墙上。There you can see the slogan written up on the wall.

但是尼泊尔大会党不能放弃这个口号。But the Nepali Congress could not give up this slogan.