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不过,中国的体育消费情况怎么样?。However, how is the sports con- sumption in China?

葛眉巧用谎言欺骗夏晚晴,夏晚晴信以为真。GeMei use opportunely lies deceive summer sun yat sen villa, summer sun yat sen villa sumption.

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因此,可以认为旋弧焊是一种比手工焊质量稳定、效率高、消耗低的焊接方法。It shows that REAM is a welding method which has stability, high efficiency and low-con- sumption features.

现代奥运会既是竞技体育大会,也是拉动大众消费的营销活动。Modern Olympic Games is a competitive sports assembly, and also an occasion for promoting mass con- sumption.

同等条件下阳极的消耗率比直流作用时的小。Under the same condition, the con- sumption rate of the anode exerted by SWPCs was smaller than that exerted by DC.

再生资源是指社会生产和消费过程中产生的可以利用的各种废旧物资。Regenerative material resources refer to the waste materials from social production and con- sumption which can be recycled.

就南苏丹重燃战火,联合国安理会进行紧急磋商会议。The United Nation Security Council has been holding an emergency session to discuss there sumption of violence in South Sudan.

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对洁净厂房空调系统的特点进行了分析,探讨了其高耗能的原因。The traits of the air-conditioning of the clean room were analyzed, and the reason of its high energy con- sumption was obtained.

谢创向夏晚晴说乔津帆将他开除乔氏,夏晚晴信以为真并同意隐瞒。Thanks to the summer sun yat sen villa and said QiaoJinFan will he fired QiaoShi, summer sun yat sen villa sumption and agree to hide.

萨普新表示,金融危机的影响远未消退,在此情况下,移民仍然是“对大部分人来说长期的需要谨慎考虑的投资”。Far from disappearing in the wake of the crash, Ms Sumption says, migration is still "a sensible long-term investment for many people."

高大厂房的采暖由于室内温度梯度过大,造成热耗量加大,浪费能源。Because the temperature gradient indoor is too large for heating system of big workshop, it is made its heat sumption to increase and energy to lavish.

由于不确定性的消除与证明资源的耗费成正比,因此在证明中应当区分严格证明与自由证明。Because the removal of uncertainty is in direct proportion to the con- sumption of proof resources, we should distinguish"strict proof"and"free proof"in practice.

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其中存在着不合理的消费方式。本文提出要实现中国城市消费形态的转换,建立一种符合生态环境要求的消费形态。The paper proposes the converting of the con sumption styles in Chinese cities and the establishment of consumption style cor responding to the ecological environment.

与硫酸盐木浆比较,麦草浆在多段洗涤过程中耗水量大,滤水性能和洗涤效率低。Compared with kraft wood pulp, wheat straw pulp caused a higher water con- sumption , poor drainage property and a lower vvashing efficiency in a multiple-stage vvashing process.

作为美国上诉院保管案件的法官以及制定决议的三人小组成员之一,纽博格在外事局法律顾问乔纳森·萨姆新的要求下,态度有所缓和。Lord Neuberger, the Master of the Rolls and one of the three-member panel that made the ruling, watered down his opinion at the request of the Foreign Office's counsel, Jonathan Sumption.

水采工艺系统能量利用率低、电力消耗大已成为影响水采矿井经济效益和制约水采发展的主要因素。L ow energy utilization rate and high power con- sumption of the hydro- mining system constitute the main factors restricting the economic benefit of the mine and development of this mining system.