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我指着车尾。I point to the caboose.

这辆火车,车尾只是一部分。The train. The caboose is just a part.

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守车和最后一节货车联接上。The caboose is coupled to the last freight car.

是同一样东西,那样肯定是错的。I'm not saying the locomotive is the same thing as the caboose.

走着走着,我们看到车尾,我说,哈,是辆火车。Walking along the way we see a caboose I say ha there's a train.

走着走着,我们看到车尾,我说,哈,是辆火车。Walking along the way we see a caboose I say ha there's a train.

等我画得更像车尾,让它有点像车尾。Let me make this more like a caboose slightly more like a caboose.

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火车头上有烟冒出来,车尾就没有。The locomotive's got smoke coming out of it and the caboose doesn't.

我也同意,火车头跟车尾不一样。I agree of course that a locomotive is not the same thing as a caboose.

要不然的话,就如同认为,火车头就是车尾。That's like thinking that the locomotive is the same thing as the caboose.

我们好奇的想知道,火车尾是否能真的像书的封面上那样飞起来。We are curious to learn whether a caboose can really fly like it does on the cover of the book!

我指的不仅仅是车尾,而是整个长长的,贯穿空间的物体。And what I referring to wasn't just the caboose but the whole long extended-through-space object.

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最后一节车厢还设有咖啡座,你可以喝着咖啡,品尝美味馅饼开始一天的生活。It's beautifully decorated and there is a coffee caboose with coffee and pastries to start your day.

他们认为非洲,加勒比海出生的黑人以及其他人正赶上了美国黑人奋斗的最后一段。They think African, Caribbean-born blacks and others are riding on the caboose of black America's struggles.

丹麦居于其次为8.3,美国排名第20为7.4分,多哥和坦桑尼亚排名垫底为2.6.Denmark is next at 8.3, the United States ranks 20th at 7.4 and Togo and Tanzania bring up the caboose at 2.6.

毕竟现在指的是,火车头,然而在五分钟前,指的是车尾。After all, right now what you pointed to is a locomotive whereas as 5 minutes ago what you pointed to was a caboose.

反而一开始我们走的时候,我指着车尾,但通过指着车尾,我说的是一辆火车。Rather initially when we started our walk I pointed to a caboose but by pointing to the caboose I picked out a train.

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反而一开始我们走的时候,我指着车尾,但通过指着车尾,我说的是一辆火车。Rather initially when we started our walk I pointed to a caboose but by pointing to the caboose I picked out a train.

我问的是,我之前指着车尾,我就开始谈论火车。What I'm asking rather is remember earlier when I pointed to the caboose in doing so I started talking about the train.

对于成功的渴求驱使我狂热的工作,甚至有一次在会场,一位诺贝尔经济学奖获得者说我是班上的学术守护者。My angst about "making it" drove me to work feverishly, even in a venue where one Nobel laureate economist considered me the class's academic caboose.