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刺猬和仙人掌都有刺。Hedgehogs and cacti have spines.

将植株较大的仙人掌种在花园的后部。Plant large cacti at the back of the garden.

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种植仙人掌时务必戴好橡胶手套。Always wear leather gloves when handling cacti.

我的仙人掌身上有一条条的黄色的疤痕,请问这是怎么回事?My body of the cacti has serval scars, what happened to them?

这个沉降雨水允许仙人掌像这样巨人柱发展极大。This precipitation allows cacti like this saguaro to grow extremely large.

这是一个种满仙人掌旳花房硪拿著一个叫做幸福旳气球站了很久很久。StandinG iN a Greenhouse full oF Cacti A ballOn namEd "HappInesS" In mY hanD.

我努力着去通过绿地和植物和仙人掌来观察这个城市。I’m trying to see the city in some ways through green spaces and plants and cacti.

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这是一个种满仙人掌的花房,我拿着一个叫做幸福的气球…Standing in a greenhouse full of cacti with a ballon named "happiness" in my hand.

向西开一小段路就能来到仙人掌国家公园,这里是很多长相卡通的仙人掌的家园。A short drive to the west is the Saguaro National Park, home to cartoon-style cacti.

而在室内养植仙人掌,却可使室内空气中负离子增加,有益健康。And raise establish cacti indoors , can make the anion in indoor air increases however, healthful.

在郁郁葱葱的花园中,两个堆高式的花槽,中间的方尖碑有桶型仙人掌围绕四周,形成奇妙的毗邻景致。Two raise planters with obelisks surrounded by barrel cacti are a wonderful juxtaposition in the lush garden.

沙漠植物图片。仙人掌填充前景和树形仙人掌覆盖远处的丘陵在亚利桑那州的仙人掌国家公园。Prickly pear cacti fill the foreground and saguaros cover the distant hills in Arizona's Saguaro National Park.

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这样管理人员就可利用扫描棒,检查车上是否有从公园中偷运出来的仙人掌。After imbedding microchips, officials can detect whether there are stolen cacti in a car by waving a special wand.

木兰树、巴西胡椒树、金桔树、棕榈树、玫瑰、仙人掌组成了一个充满异国情调和草木繁茂的绿洲。Magnolia Trees, Brazilian Pepper Trees, Cumquat Trees, Palms, roses and Barrel Cacti make for an exotic and lush oasis.

雷暴雨滚滚而来,树形仙人掌依然挺立。干燥地区的闪电增加了灌木丛火灾风险Saguaro cacti stand in the desert as a thunderstorm rolls overhead. Lightning in dry areas increases the risk of brush fires.

乾燥、枯萎的仙人掌,以锋利的叶刃将荒芜的熔岩地貌点缀得如此残破。我们穿越此地的速度像冰河移动一样缓慢。Dried and shriveled cacti trunks dot a bleak lava landscape so broken with razor-sharp edges that moving across it is glacially slow.

本文综述了胭脂虫及其寄主仙人掌国内外的利用现状。The present utilizing situation of cochineal insects and its cacti host, including domestic and foreign, ase summed up in this article.

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之后,再提出来你喜欢什么,比如你喜欢玫瑰的味道,同时你也很喜欢生命力旺盛的仙人掌。At the same time it’s good to mention what you do like, that you love the smell of roses and you like cacti because they are hard to kill.

沙漠中零星地处立着一些仙人掌,它们也是孤独地沉默着。它们比不上蜗牛,连动一动的能力都没有。There are cacti scattering in the desert. They keep silent alone. They are even poorer than the snail. They do not have the ability to move a little.

仙人掌除饲养胭脂虫外,还可食用、药用及饲料用,并可绿化荒山及防止水土流失。Excepting for producing cochineal insects, cacti are used as food, medicine and fodder, and they can green bleak mountains and prevent soil from losing.