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她把这块布料做成袋状。She pouched the cloth.

老板把所有的钱收进袋中。The boss pouched all the money.

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他把这包香烟装入口袋中。He pouched the pack of cigarettes.

她穿着腰带上方蓬松如袋的连衣裙。She wears a dress pouched over a belt.

到凌晨六点邮件已经分类装袋了。The mail was sorted and pouched by 6 a.m.

她一听到他父亲的话后就噘着嘴。She pouched her lips at her father's words.

健康不佳使得他眼下面的肌肉松弛。Ill health had pouched the loose flesh under his eyes.

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一项研究发现冈比亚有袋鼠可以很好的完成这个工作。Studies suggest that the Gambian pouched rat can do better.

应摆好,以便能很快地拿到手。Each tool should be pouched so that it can be readily reached.

非洲坦桑尼亚一个研究机构里的研究人员对这种非洲囊鼠有一种直觉。Researchers at a non-profit medical research facility in Tanzania, called APOPO had a hunch about the African pouched rat.

坦桑尼亚Sokoine大学的训练者说,非洲鼠比狗更胜任这份工作。Their trainers at Tanzania's Sokoine University of Agriculture say the African pouched rats can do a much better job than dogs.

虽然买不到猴子但是你仍然可以买到小羚羊、穿山甲、巨蟒囊鼠和豪猪来炖肉吃。You could still buy all the duikers, pangolins, pythons, pouched rats, and porcupines necessary to make a fancy stew—but not monkeys.

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冈比亚有袋鼠能够很容易地分辨出人类痰液中的结核杆菌与其它各种细菌的不同。The Gambian pouched rat apparently can smell the difference between tuberculosis bacilli and the myriad other germs that inhabit human phlegm.

非洲巨鼠可以闻出人体唾液中的肺结核病菌。当它们发现这种病菌时,就会停住不动。它们等待训练员给它们食物。Giant Pouched Rats are able to smell tuberculosis germs in human saliva. When they do, they stop moving. They wait for food from their trainer.

他的肥胖的多斑的双颊宽松下垂,很难不相信里面没有存储着一些吃的。His fat, mottled cheeks were so pouched at the bottom that it was difficult not to believe that he had little stores of food tucked away there.

2003年,美国中西部地区的约20人感染了一种“猴痘”病毒,这种病毒源于从非洲进口的一批冈比亚巨鼠。For instance, in 2003 an outbreak of monkeypox affected around 20 people in the US midwest, traced to imported Gambian pouched rats from Africa.

在维多利亚时期,英国还在与大自然进行艰难抗争,而海马因为长得太过怪异-马一样的脑袋,袋子似的身躯以及卷曲的尾巴而成为人们争相猎杀的对象。In a Victorian Britain obsessed with the natural world, these seahorses—with their equine heads, pouched torsos and curling tails—were an instant hit.

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研究人员说,这种巨型非洲囊鼠可以嗅出痰样本中的结核菌,比实验室里使用显微镜效果更好,而且成本更低。Researchers say the sniffing powers of the African pouched rat can help detect TB in sputum samples more efficiently and at a lower cost than lab technicians using microscopes.

骆驼鼻烟也是一种无痰产品,但是一些烟民说,它们并不关注散烟叶或者袋装的无烟烟草产品,特别是在使用后还要从嘴里拿出的烟草产品。Camel Snus is also spitless, but some smokers said they didn't care for loose tobacco or pouched smokeless products, particularly ones they had to remove from their mouth after use.