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只有公民有选举资格。Only citizens are eligible to vote.

这种人无资格谈情说爱。Such people are not eligible talked of love.

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总共317例患者符合条件并被纳入本研究。In all, 317 eligible patients were identified.

大家认为书生是个不错的结婚对象。Shusheng was regarded as an eligible bachelor.

他只有17岁,因此没有投票选举的资格。He's only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote.

申请人需有合格的EILTS考试成绩。Eligible applicants will have an EILTS test score.

只有全日制研究生才有资格获得助教薪金。Only full-time graduate are eligible for interships.

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该员仍然具有在美国境内合法工作的资格。They are still eligible to work in the United States.

机票不可累积飞行哩数。Ticket is NOT eligible for KrisFlyer mileage accrual.

辞职的董事可连选连任。A retiring director shall be eligible for re-election.

所有适宜的参与者都做了肺量测量。Spirometry was performed on all eligible participants.

凡是本氏族的男性成员都具有同等的被选资格。All the male members of the gens were equally eligible.

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他已经和一些非常适合结婚的女人谈过恋爱了。He has romanced some of the world's most eligible women.

而且,我与少数称心的人交换了电话号码。And yes, I did exchange numbers with a few eligible guys.

年龄在十八岁以上的男女有投票表决权。Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote.

䕺罻世界上最珍贵的,是得不到和已失去。Of the world's most precious and are not eligible and lost.

双方成员和非成员有资格获得的酬金。Both members and non-members are eligible for the honoraria.

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谁将有资格申请毕业生工作签证?Who would be eligible to apply for the post-study work visa?

大多数年轻人都没有资格获得求职者的津贴。Most young people are not eligible for jobseeker's allowance.

该贺奖只限于本公司注册之宗亲们申请。Only registered clansman are eligible to apply for the award.