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他身子歪斜着依靠在墙上。He leant aslant against the wall.

阳光斜斜地照到他的脸上。The sun shone aslant into his face.

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阳光斜照在地板上。The sunlight fell aslant the floor.

阳光斜落在地板上。The sunlight fell aslant the floor.

失事的火车横在铁轨上。The wrecked train lay aslant the track.

一棵杨柳歪歪斜斜长在一条小溪边。There is a willow grows aslant a brook.

从银色向随机倾斜,白而缓慢。From silver aslant to random, white, and slow.

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木匠把屋顶造斜使水能流下。The carpenter made the roof aslant to allow water to run down.

木匠把屋顶做得有一定倾斜,便于雨水流下来。The carpenters made the roof aslant to allow water to run down.

他手中擎着帽子,斜着眉毛,用脚尖摆个姿势给我们。His hat, aslant over his brow, and took a pose on his toes for all of us.

房间里空无一人,只有一缕月光射进窗户,斜照在床上。No one was there, nothing but a streak of moonlight from the window aslant the bed.

推力调心滚子轴承,是鼓形滚子倾斜排列着的推力轴承。Thrust self aligning roller bearing is one type of thrust bearing with tambour roller aslant ranged.

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那种斜举着蜡烛的丑角,戴帽兜的或者不戴帽兜的,我这辈子算是看够了。I have seen clowns enough holding tapers aslant , both with and without cowls, to last me for my life.

低垂的白桦树枝条湿漉漉的,轻风吹过摇摇晃晃,斜斜地撒下晶莹的水珠。The drooping branches of the birch-trees swayed in the wind, and dripped bright drops aslant across the road.

他和他的马一样,歪着头,抿着耳朵,被瓢泼大雨打得皱起眉头,急切地注视着前方。With his head aslant , and his ears pricked up, like his horse, he was frowning at the driving rain, and anxiously looking before him.

所以,石油公司转变了策略,他们不再朝下钻石油,而时开端采用对角式、甚至程度式钻取法!So, the oil companies afflicted their approach. Instead of drilling down for oil, they brilliantted drilling aslant and even borderaccount!

并在此基础上通过建立力学数学模型完成旋转控制头在安装偏斜的情况下的动力学分析。And then, the mathematics model was firstly set up to analyze the force that the rotary control head endured when the preventer installed aslant.

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现代主义文学的人物形象则有歪斜抽象和执拗孤独两种非英雄模式。The images of modernist narration in the Western literature have two patterns too, one of them is aslant and abstract, the other of them is stubborn and solitary.

为了探索因烟气倾斜进入烟道而造成的结渣、磨损等问题的解决方法,本文建立了某三段式余热锅炉上升烟道的数值模型,得到了不同烟气入射角度情况下流场的分布规律。To explore ways to solve the problems, such as slag- bonding and abrasion, caused by gas aslant entering, a numeric uptake flue of a three- passage waste heat boiler was modeled.

苔丝站在她暂以为家的小屋门外,德贝维尔站在她的身边,清冷的月光从园内篱树的树枝间斜照进来,落在苔丝疲惫不堪的脸上。The cold moon looked aslant upon Tess's fagged face between the twigs of the garden-hedge as she paused outside the cottage which was her temporary home, d'Urberville pausing beside her.