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约瑟夫沉默不语。Joseph was quiet.

对于约瑟·斯蒂格利茨来说呢?And Joseph Stiglitz?

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约瑟夫·哈帕,是你干的?Joseph Harper, did you?

我的名字是约瑟夫贝多。My name is Joseph Berto.

约瑟和波提法的妻子。Joseph and Potiphar's wife.

约瑟夫对妻子有求必应。Joseph denied his wife nothing.

除了约瑟夫,没有人在那儿。Nobody is out there but Joseph.

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他们便将若瑟带到埃及去了。They brought Joseph into Egypt.

你不应该强留约瑟夫。You shouldn't hold Joseph back.

冠雄倡否与她相认?Crown male call Joseph with her?

约瑟夫经受了悲伤的考验。Joseph was baptized with sorrow.

约瑟夫埃蒙斯不能使用他的眼睛。Joseph Emmons can't use his eyes.

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约瑟夫大大咧咧地把车停靠在路边。Joseph idled the car at the curb.

祖莱卡觉得是以约瑟之名。Zuleikha felt in the name Joseph.

约瑟夫·博伊斯和约翰·莱瑟姆已经死了。Joseph Beuys and John Latham are dead.

约瑟夫和他的女儿尼可谈话。Joseph talks with his daughter Nicole.

接着,约瑟夫送给母亲一幅画。Then, Joseph gave his mother a picture.

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于是约瑟在那里坐监。But while Joseph was there in the prison

约瑟夫把脸转向她,拉起她的手。Joseph turned to her and took her hands.

约瑟被带下埃及去。Now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt.