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您可以减少这种变性过程照顾你的骨头在年轻的日子。You can cutback this degeneration process by taking care of your bones in youthful days.

为使从每个削减面开始最小长度都是100毫米,应通过喷砂处理的方式对聚乙烯材料的表面进行粗糙化。The polyethylene surface shall be roughened by abrasive blast cleaning for a minimum length of 100mm from each cutback area.

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告诉你得朋友你被建议减少酒精摄入因为你有胃或者肝的疾病。Tell your friends that you’ve been advised to cutback on alcohol because of a condition like gastric ulcer or a liver disease.

有消息说,这种出口下降主要是由于泰国政府向这些国家提供的信贷大幅度削减所造成的。Sources suggested that this decline in exports is largely due to a sharp cutback in the credit offered by the Thai government to these countries.

裁减计划正在推出,即使是在华尔街许多公司差不多已经从金融危机中恢复,并且据称是又有大量盈利的情况下。The cutback plans are emerging even as Wall Street firms have mostly recovered from the financial crisis and are reporting substantial profits again.

关于稀土矿出口减少的报道无疑促使额外新的关注,中国是可能联合外交与贸易政策的。The report of a rare earths export cutback nevertheless prompted new concerns over the extent to which China may link its trade and foreign policies.

有业内人士表示,减产是在中国政府推动对化学和制药公司的污染限制的影响。The production cutback follows a Chinese government drive to enforce pollution limits on chemical and pharmaceutical companies, sources in the vitamin industry say.

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中国减少稀土矿的出口引发了争论,一些分析学家怀疑中国在利用贸易武器针对其敌人。A controversy over a Chinese cutback in the export of "rare earth" minerals has some analysts wondering whether China is now using trade as a weapon against its rivals.

这个决定缓解了安进公司,它正面临由于安全考虑而导致其贫血药物销售额的下降和随后导致的来自Medicare偿还款的减少。The decision is a reprieve for Amgen, which is already facing declining sales of its anemia drugs because of safety concerns and a resulting cutback in reimbursement by Medicare.

在大多数情况下,正确的半液体OGL使用的最终结果看起来很像老式的溶于石油的沥青应用。不过外观会因厂商而异。In most cases, the end result of a proper semi fluid OGL application will look much like an old asphaltic solvent cutback application, but appearances will vary between manufacturers.