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你既皮肤有白又滑好靓。Your skin is so white and sleek.

这匹马全身润泽有光。The horse's coat was sleek and glossy.

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什么是永远的时尚单肩包!What is always in are sleek shoulder bags!

这种时髦的蜂窝电话有灵活的语音拨号功能。This sleek cell-phone has voice activated dialing.

拥有一张纤细清秀的瓜子脸是众多女士的梦想。Many women dream of a sleek and refined face contour.

卷曲的头发拉直与扁铁的时尚新面貌。Straighten curly hair with a flat iron for a sleek new look.

鸟儿啄完稻谷,轻轻梳理着光润的羽毛。The bird pecked finish, gently comb with rice sleek feathers.

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太多的杂志喜欢用时尚模特儿作封面。Too many magazines like to feature sleek models on the cover.

这滑溜溜的哺乳动物轻快地游过的时候,他的脚像生了根似的迈不开。He stayed rooted to the spot as the sleek mammals glided past.

亮闪闪的红色赛车加速转动引擎,“闪电准备好了!”The sleek red race car revved his engine. "Lightning's ready."

宽椭圆形和圆滑的猫眼款可以起到收敛圆脸的效果。Wide ovals and sleek cat-eye styles work to diminish fullness.

即使看似土气,但仍是时尚和别致的。Even if the look is rustic, it is still modern, sleek and chic.

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皮毛光滑,油光锃亮,吃得饱饱的,发生了什么事?Youre fur is sleek and glossy, you're well-fed — what happened?

而在去年拍摄的蝙蝠侠电影中,蝙蝠侠也曾站到过这座高楼的楼顶。Batman was also filmed standing atop the sleek edifice last year.

圆滑的剑尾鱼是一个敏捷的泳者并且需要充足的活动空间。The sleek swordtail is an agile swimmer and needs plenty of room.

它们不喜欢陆地,但在水中隐蔽良好、行动自如。They are cumbersome on land, but stealthy and sleek in the water.

它界面简洁,操作灵敏,彻底变革了标签的处理方式。It's sleek and nimble, and it revolutionizes how tabs are handled.

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这张茶几外观小巧圆滑,由钢铁和玻璃制成。The end-table One is a small, sleek table made of steel and glass.

不过,潮流指示告诉我们,油亮的短发并不时尚。Nevertheless, tide directive tells us, sleek bingle is not fashionable.

他把手伸过马的前腿,抚摩它柔滑的皮毛。He passed his hand down the horse's forelegs and stroked its sleek coat.