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违抗或对古茹不敬。To disobey or disrespect the guru.

这展现的是不关心和不尊敬。It shows disinterest and disrespect.

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董卓待他们,与尊重。And Dong Zhuo treated them with disrespect.

我认为他对她没有不恭的意思。I don't think he intended her any disrespect.

有些学生不尊敬老师和父母。Some students disrespect teachers and parents.

不要忽视窗口期的珍贵价值。Don't disrespect the precious nature of an open window.

帕蒂对我没有一丝一毫的尊重,你简直无法想象。Patty’s so full of disrespect for me, you can’t believe it.

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一个僧人若拒绝了在家人的食物便是对他们的不尊重。A monk cannot disrespect the layperson by refusing their food.

我没有不尊重贝尼特斯,但世上只有一个比尔香克利。No disrespect to Rafa, but there will only ever be one Bill Shankly.

对于自己笔下滑稽可笑或是卑躬屈膝的黑奴,斯托女士并没有丝毫不敬的态度。For all her comic or subservient blacks, Mrs Stowe did not disrespect them.

毋庸置疑,这要比仇恨和不敬更有益。Needless to say, all the above are more useful than revenge and disrespect.

我没有想要对一些特殊的规则有所不敬,或是去停止任何形式上的斗争。I don't go to try and disrespect some special rules or stop any kind of war.

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我对那不但是对原书而且也是对其读者的不尊重感到纳闷。I wonder at the disrespect shown not only to the books but to their readers.

“这是对罗瑟拉姆的不敬,我们不能接受。”摩尔补充说。"It shows disrespect for Rotherham and we will not have that, " Moore added.

没有尊重,就很难培养良好的师生关系。Disrespect makes it difficult to develop a good student-teacher relationship.

别做出不雅不雅的姿式,如咬唇、目斜视、发出啧啧声。不要用咂嘴、翻白眼等近似动作暗示鄙视。Do not smack your lips, tsk, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures.

我说这话并无意对那些伤者的不敬,但是那个飞行员真是个英雄。I don't mean this as a disrespect to others injured, but that pilot is a hero.

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不要咂嘴、咋舌、翻白眼或做无礼的手势。Do not smack your lips, "tsk", roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures.

显然,骑车族公然藐视法律,对公众安全是一种威胁。Obviously, cyclists’ flagrant disrespect for the law is a threat to public safety.

至少,我们可以将,亵渎神明想成是对神明的不敬。At a minimum we would think the charge of impiety suggests disrespect of the gods.