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珠孔由内珠被形成。The micropyle was formed by the inner integument.

珠被生长较快,并逐渐包围珠心。The integument grew fast and overgrew the nucellus.

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此外,珠被内表皮细胞发育为珠被绒毡层。In addition, the inner integument cells developed into endothelium.

珠被内层细胞特化为珠被绒毡层。Inner cells in the integument differentiated into integument tapeta.

抗御微生物进入体内的第一道防线是皮肤。The first protector against the entry of microorganisms is the integument.

珠孔由内珠被和腹侧外珠被构成。The micropyle is formed with inner integuments and partial outer integument.

在卵巢中表达量最高,在体壁的表达量较低。Furthermore, the expression level of NlTgo was higher in ovary than that in integument.

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成熟种子中,种皮由外珠被构成,胚乳细胞残留1~2层。The seed-coat develops from outer integument cell. Endosperm cell remain 1-2 layers in mature seed.

取出早脆王胚珠,剥去珠被接种可以有效防止褐化。The ovule browning of Zaocuiwang could be efficiently prevented by removing integument during inoculation.

用伊红和马洛赖氏三色法染色可见体壁尤其在腹壁的折叠处及膜翅壁中存在着胶原纤维。There are collagenous fiber in body integument especially the ventral integument and the hymenopterous integument discovered by the H.

用伊红和马洛赖氏三色法染色可见体壁尤其在腹壁的折叠处及膜翅壁中存在着胶原纤维。There are collagenous fiber in body integument especially the ventral integument and the hymenopterous integument discovered by the H. E.

对表面活性剂包覆纳米微粉的作用、机理,以及对纳米微粉性质的影响进行了总结、探索。Discussed in this paper in influence of integument surfactants on the function, mechanism, preparation and performance of Nanometer fine powders.

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蜡壳的各个板块与体壁上突起的腺孔分布区位置相对应。Each plate of the wax covering was corresponding in position with the projecting integument area, on which the wax pores are densely distributed.

该文从雌配子体发育、胚珠发育及珠被发育等几个方面综述了近年来植物雌配子体发育的分子调控机制研究进展。Studies on molecular regulation of female gametophyte development were reviewed in terms of female gametophyte and ovule and integument development.

生产资料的集中和劳动的社会化,达到了同它们的资本主义外壳不能相容的地步。Centralization of the means of production and socialization of labor at last reach a point where they become incompatible with their capitalist integument.

大胞子四分体线形排列,合点端大孢子为功能大孢子,胚囊发育类型为蓼型,具有特化的珠被绒毡层和承珠盘。Megaspore tetrad is linear. the chalazal megaspore develops into an embryo sac of polygonum type. Hypostase and special integument tapetum exist in the ovule.

牙齿是人体中唯一贯穿表皮而部分裸露于体表的钙化结构,牙周组织因而有著非常特殊的结构与抵抗疾病的能力。A tooth is an unusual mineralized structure, passing through the integument of human body, partly exposed to the external environment while partly within the connective tissue.

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在您今年的政府工作报告当中也进一步强调,要坚定不移地深化改革,消除阻碍经济增长和造成经济不稳定的体制性根源。In your report on the government's work, you emphasize that the task for this year is to deepen reform unswervingly, and to remove the structural integument to economic growth.

他的记忆几乎都没有了,他原来的肉体已经毁灭,现在被一种新的物质所替代--融合了那只爬虫的毒液和兰花的毒性外皮。His mind was all but erased, and his flesh had been consumed and replaced by a new type of matter--one fusing the venom of the reptile with the poisonous integument of the orchid.

昆虫几丁质酶可以降解昆虫体壁和中肠围食膜的主要组成成分几丁质,近年来受到了越来越多的关注。Recently, more and more attention was paid on insect chitinase in plant pest control, for it could degrade chitin, one of the main components of insect integument and petritropic membrane.