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防具增强卷轴使用到项链上将不起作用。Scrolls of enchant armor will not work on these items.

她需要开士米羊毛的标签来增加年龄的魅力。She needs the tickle of cashmere to enchant for the ages.

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工匠可以在武器和防具上附加上古诗歌或者文字的魔法属性。It will be possible to enchant weapons and armor with runes.

在单人游戏模式中附魔或升级一件装备。Enchant tor upgrade a piece of equipment in single-player mode.

我会唱一首迷人的吟游诗人歌曲,来迷惑他们跟着我!I'll since a charming bard song to enchant them into following me!

永久性地为一把双手武器附魔,使你提高130点敏捷。Permanently enchant a two-handed weapon to increase Agility by 130.

如果我们能够迷醉人的心怀,同时也在他的心思中歌唱If we could enchant man's heart and at the same time sing in his mind

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倘若我们能使人心灵陶醉,同时又在他头脑中歌唱。If we could enchant man's heart and at the same time sing in his mind.

练习师现在教授增加新的韧性的盾牌附魔。Added a new enchant shield recipe to trainers that increases resilience.

我知道了!我会唱一首迷人的吟游诗人歌曲,来吸引他们跟着我!I know! I'll since a charming bard song to enchant them into following me!

若是一个女人意欲取悦一个男人,她最好跟他谈点儿年少梦想什么的,男人通常都吃这一套。If a woman wants to enchant a man, she is wise to play his pupil. Men fall for this.

我会经常去换这项服务,所以我需要一个开发商要对脚本升级。I will enchant this service frequently, so I need a developer to make upgrades to the script.

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原本计划在3.1再增加一个坦克武器附魔,但是目前我不能承诺什么。The plan is to get a second tanking enchant in 3.1 but I am very hesistant to promise anything.

北京的秋天静谧金黄,树梢挂的柿子像一个个灯笼,让他心醉。A Beijing autumn, calm and golden, with persimmons hanging like lanterns in the trees, would enchant him.

如果移出的牌是灵气,则该牌回到场上时,由其拥有者选择它要结附在哪个东西上面。If the removed card is an Aura , that card's owner chooses what it will enchant as it comes back into play.

它的滋味甜美诱人,为你带来时尚无比的魅力体验。The seductive savoriness and sweetness of chocolate will enchant you with an experience of style and bliss.

一个人有一个思想,在这思想的海洋中很容易就迷失了自我,再也找不到方向。A person has a thought, in the ocean of this thought very easy enchant ego, can not find a direction any further.

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韦斯莱先生在棚里堆满了麻瓜制造的物品,他出于乐趣喜欢把它们拆开再施上魔法。Mr. Weasley has stuffed the shed with various Muggle artifacts which he likes to take apart and enchant just for fun.

如果我们能陶醉一个人的心灵,同时在他的心中歌唱,那他就确实活在神的荫翳之下了。If we could enchant man's heart and at the same time sing in his mind, then in truth we would live in the shadow of God.

这一件件能穿的雕塑充分展示了精妙的设计与瓷器间微妙的触觉魅力。The sculptural "haute couture" pieces enchant and enthrall with its ingenious construction and tactile allure of porcelain.