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我搬到比佛利山庄了。I've moved to Beverly Hills.

艾丽丝·库柏,比佛利山庄,1979年。Alice Cooper, Beverly Hills, 1979

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你为什么要来比佛利山庄?What brings you to Beverly Hills?

我在比佛利山庄干兼职。I work part-time in Beverly Hills.

就在比佛利山庄旁边。which is right there by Beverly Hills.

我在他的旅馆,在比华利山。I am in his hotel room in Beverly Hills.

请告诉我比华利山怎么走?Could you tell me how to get to Beverly Hills ?

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你觉得住在比佛利山庄怎么样?What do you think about living in Beverly Hills?

比佛利山庄离好莱坞大概十分钟,Beverly Hills is about ten minutes from Hollywood,

我记得那是叫丽晶比佛利山庄酒店,I think it's called Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel,

那顿韩国餐我是在贝弗利豆腐锅餐厅吃的。For the Korean course, I went to Beverly Soon Tofu.

其中就有埃诺德.克莱因,他住在贝佛莉山庄时的皮肤病医生。One was Arnold Klein, his Beverly Hills dermatologist.

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埃里克在洛杉矶就读于贝弗利山高中。Erik attended Beverly Hills High School in Los Angeles.

这对佳偶于2008年在她们的贝弗利山庄别墅完婚。The pair married in 2008 at their Beverly Hills estate.

你觉得为什么比佛利山庄这么热门这么有名呢?Why do you think Beverly Hills is so popular and famous?

“要非常,非常的小心。”贝弗莉和我异口同声的乞求着。"Very, very good care, " Beverly and I pleaded in unison.

贝弗利朱伯特说,传统上狮子不喜欢下水。And lions, Beverly Joubert says, traditionally hate water.

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保罗·基泽尔是加州贝弗利山的一名原告律师。Paul Kiesel, a plaintiffs' lawyer in Beverly Hills, Calif.

他有两个画廊,一个在纽约比华利山。He also has two New York galleries and one in Beverly Hills.

他解释了为什么希尔斯能成为美国最受爱戴的演员。He explains why Beverly Sills became America's beloved diva.