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我在停尸间找到了他。I found him in the morgue.

停尸房后来又重新开门了。The morgue has since reopened.

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你什么意思,从太平间出来?What do you mean, from the morgue?

出版业目前在深切治疗中还是已经陈尸停尸间呢?Are we in intensive care or the morgue ?

他停尸房,并检查了身体。He went to the morgue and examined the body.

可是我无法入睡,这简直如同在陈尸所里睡觉一样。But I can't sleep. It's like going to sleep in a morgue.

这时一些男性走了进来,将尸体带到太平间。Some men came and removed the corpse to bringit to the morgue.

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你准备先带她去哪?医院还是太平间?。Where are you going to take her first, the hospital or the morgue ?

你能想象得到我在太平间的情况吗?Can you imagine? What had happened was that I was taken to the morgue.

哈亚说,巴解组织已经名存实亡,是那些创立它的人埋葬了它。Hayya said the PLO was dead, sent to the morgue by those who founded it.

他来到地下室走廊,顺着箭头指示到了太平间。He went down to the basement corridor and followed the arrows to the morgue.

夜深人静,查理将装有真头盖骨的箱子藏到停尸房柜子里。That night, Charlie will be a really skull box hidden to the morgue in the cupboard.

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还有那些街上的尸体,那些在太平间等着认领的陈尸。So do the corpses in the streets and the ones waiting for identification in the morgue.

我幻想着我是一名时空战士,能像扑火的蛾子一样燃烧。They just glitter lika morgue un I dreamed I was a spaceman, burned lika moth in a flame.

一具男孩的腐尸7年来存放在市太平间里。PHILADELPHIA -- The decomposed body of a young boy had rested seven years in the city morgue.

停尸房被停业的事情已经让他没有时间休息,他略带疲倦的笑笑,跟我握了握手。The crisis at the morgue had kept him from sleep, and he smiled wearily as he offered his hand.

在太子港一座医院的停尸处,一名男子抛下一具遗体。A man throws a corpse onto a pile of dead bodies, at the morgue of a hospital in Port-au-Prince.

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学校改成了地震及海啸遇难者的临时停尸间,学生们不能返校。Students were kept away when it was used as a temporary morgue for earthquake and tsunami victims.

另外九名分子被印度突击队队员毙命,他们的尸体仍摆在市太平间里。The other nine terrorists were killed by Indian commandos and their bodies remain in the city morgue.

床垫已被散发出香气的液体浸透,已成了虱子,臭虫、蟑螂和绦虫的。The mattress is saturated with embalming fluid. It's a morgue for lice, bedbugs, cockroaches, tapeworms.