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架设自动化构建。Setup automated builds.

这是完全相同的设定。It's the very same setup.

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这是一个一次性的设置。This is a one-time setup.

达内尔有一个简单的毒液采集装置。Darnell has a simple setup.

用户专用根目录的系统设置System setup for per-user root

技术指导小组的设置。Technical Steering Group setup.

HTI赛迪司机加入设置。HTI ccid drivers added to setup.

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但这是一个具有错误倾向的设置。But that is an error-prone setup.

多实例队列管理器设置Multi-instance queue manager setup

数据仓库不需要任何设置。The data warehouse needs no setup.

你想建立一个自组织网络。You try to setup an adhoc network.

重量轻,薄型化,体积小,易安装。Lighter, thin, smaller, Easy setup.

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这就完成了队列的设置。This completes the setup of queues.

三拍子,答对了,你们知道曲子的结构Triple. Yeah. You know the setup here.

设置电子邮件帐户和“通讯簿”。Setup email Accounts and Address Books.

后来我改为使用一个多服务器设置。I moved to a multi-server setup later on.

新的世界格局尚未形成。The new setup of the world has not formed.

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它需对安装菜单作修鼓,辱下所示。It require to the setup menu as show below.

设置一个矩阵用于像素矫正渲染。Setup a matrix for pixel-correct rendering.

建立赛科的事故档案。Setup documentation of all SECCO incidents.