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这是赑屃。This is a bi xi.

我的名字叫何曦。My name is He Xi.

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喜生活样式,不做方法功。Xi life style, do not approach.

“喜上眉梢”是个成语。"Xi shang meishao" is an idiom.

今天是喜羊羊的生日。Today is Xi Yangyang's birthday.

而司马樨对前尘往事俱已忘却。But Sima Xi had forgot all the past.

升海喝令成曦找成勋报仇。Let the sea rise into Xi for his revenge.

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红桃一时接受不了,让易锡先走。Red peach can not accept, let Yi Xi go first.

四喜却认出“林妹妹“就是王俊。Four xi recognized Lin meimei is wang junwork.

何夕看着她的养父问道。He Xi looking by her fosters dad to ask a way.

来喜容许必然会尽心栽培二人!To xi will allow with two cultivation! ! ! ! !

陈淳是理学家朱熹的高徒。Chen Chun, who was a good apprentice of Zhu Xi.

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八妹以为四喜死了,又着急又伤心。Eight sister think four xi died, worry and sad.

六个月后,希望开始吃竹笋和竹叶。Xi Wang started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves.

字熙之,号双溪翁,延平人。Xi of the word, No. Sungai Weng, Yanping people.

西樵山旅游度假区欢迎您!Welcome to Xi Qiao Mountain Touristy Vacationland!

希平终于鼓起勇气向舒雅告白。Xi Ping finally confesses his feelings for Shu Ya.

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细河河水和地下水总溴浓度范围26。The total bromine from the Xi River ranged from 26.

美丽的代价。这丑漏的烟通可能是西鲍美丽的源动力。The ugly that works out the beauty of Xi Bao Village.

开放天津的河西区欢迎您!Open the development of he xi Tianjin Tianjin welcome!