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丹丹偷偷地笑了。Daniel is laughing secretly.

我心里暗暗地啧啧称赞。I heart secretly tut praise.

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我想偷偷望呀望一望他。I wanted to look at him secretly.

你曾经悄悄梦想过什么?What have you secretly dreamed of?

他们每周六都会在这里密会。They meet here secretly every Saturday.

她秘密地施了洗礼,加入了基督教。She secretly baptized into Christianity.

这使她暗地里很恼火。It was this which secretly chagrined her.

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Narissa王后秘密地来到了纽约。Queen Narissa secretly comes to New York.

你最喜欢的爱情片是哪部?What's the chick flick you secretly love?

我得悄悄地扔掉这斋饭。I must secretly get rid of this alms food.

赞扬使我感到羞愧…因为我偷偷乞求它…Praise shames me, for secretly beg for it.

他暗中怀有报复的想法。He secretly entertained thoughts of revenge.

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荣耀使我感到羞愧,因为我的虚荣打算乘虚作乱。Praise shames me, for I secretly beg for it.

晓梦偷偷地爬窗溜了进来。Xiao dream secretly climb window slipped in.

“烧饼国王”是我悄悄为他起的名字!And King of pancakes I secretly call upon him!

荣誉羞着我,因为我暗地里追求着它。Praise shames me, for I secretly beg for it. ?

这段插曲默默无言,却秘密而亲切。The episode was tacitly and secretly intimate.

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通用汽车公司对于摆脱掉了努森,暗中感到高兴。GM was secretly delighted to be rid of Knudsen.

胡安娜偷头地瞧了他一眼,看到他在微笑。Juana, glancing secretly at him, saw him smile.

她还暗恋着我们的新邻居大卫。She also secretly admired our new neighbor David.