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西巴丹岛是马来西亚唯一的海洋岛屿。Sipadan Island is the only oceanic island in Malaysia.

巴哈马海域,一只远洋白鳍鲨和潜水员在游泳。An oceanic whitetip shark and diver swim in the Bahamas.

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大洋岛尤其是太平洋形成次级区。Oceanic islands, particularly in the Pacific, form minor provinces.

鳗鱼重返大海子宫的努力百折不挠。Eels are relentless in their effort to return to their oceanic womb.

海洋局据此发表了一个指导原则,内容如下The oceanic agency issued a guide to the burn that advised as follows

风带着海洋的气味呼啸而来,就像巨浪一样拍打着他们。Winds roared with oceanic force, curling around them like giant waves.

本教程将帮助你创造你自己的四维影院海洋水。This tutorial will help you create your own oceanic water in Cinema 4D.

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不久后海洋软泥层开始在老的硬地层上堆积。Soon layer of oceanic ooze began to accumulate above the old hard layer.

本文介绍了一种专为测量海洋微结构而研制的拖体。A towed body developed for measuring oceanic microstructure is described.

倚身暮气中,在拍打你海洋般双眼的海上我抛掷出我忧愁的网。Leaning into the afternoons I cast my sad nets towards your oceanic eyes.

倚身暮色里,我朝悄海洋般的双眼,投掷我哀伤的网。Leaning into the afternoons I cast mky sad nets towards your oceanic eyes.

地热、海洋能等,也有相当的发展潜力。Geothermal and oceanic energies, etc, have great potential for development.

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没准可以辉煌到大上南极,或者潜进海沟。Perhaps may magnificently to big on South Pole, or dives the oceanic trench.

随着水位线越来越高,或许我们也应该开始考虑在海洋中居住。With water levels rising, we may as well start thinking about oceanic living.

另一个是简·卢布琴科博士,她主管我们的国家海洋和大气管理局。Another –Dr. Jane Lubchenco –runs our National Oceanic and Air Administration.

于益群,博士生,美国密歇根大学大气、海洋和空间科学系。Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, University of Michigan.

发展海洋经济和建设海洋经济问题正变的日趋重要。It intends to play a more important role to build and develop oceanic economy.

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胶合强度高,具有很强的耐海洋气候、耐水性能。High intensity adhesive and possess high tolerance to oceanic climate and water.

研究了海洋红酵母的培养条件。Influence of culturing conditions to the growth of Oceanic red yeast is researched.

也许海洋甲烷水合物的释放将导致“变暖失控”的危险出现。Danger of "runaway warming", perhaps spurred by release of oceanic methane hydrates.