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诉权是公民的一项宪法性权利。Litigious right is a constitutional right of citizens.

弹钢琴的狼崽子以前很爱争论。Baby Wolf who's playing the piano used to be litigious.

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变更诉讼请求是当事人的一项重要诉讼权利。Change of Litigious claim is an important procedural right of parties.

作为一个法制国家,我们更喜欢讲道理和用手段。As a nation of lawyers, we have more litigious and underhanded methods.

“美国是一个好讼的社会,这个印象肯定是因素之一”,她提到。“There’s definitely an image that the U.S. is a litigious society,” she noted.

我得把她炒掉,但她了解所有相关规则,并且颇有打官司的雅兴。I need to get rid of her but she knows all the rules and has a litigious frame of mind.

此外,这一概念存立的诉讼经济意义也非常有限。Inaddition, the significance of litigious economy is also limited because of its existence.

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自从2006年以来中国的专利诉讼是世界上最多的--甚至超过了好诉讼的美国。Since 2006 more patent lawsuits have been filed in China than anywhere else, even litigious America.

诉讼诈骗现象是近年来司法实践中出现的一种新类型的危害社会的行为。Litigious swindling is a new act that harms the society. This act has appeared in judicial practice in recent years.

虽然我们不知道莎士比亚在他20几岁的时候做了什么,但是我们的确知道他的家族是非常好讼的。And though we do not know what Shakespeare was up to in his twenties, we do know that his family was unusually litigious.

金律师办理过大量的非诉讼及诉讼、仲裁案件,办理案件数量已达600余件,积累了非常丰富的办案经验。Lawyer Jin has handled over 600 non-litigious, litigious and arbitrational cases, and gained extensive hands-on experience.

从我国宪法及其民事实体法和民事诉讼法相关规定中我们同时都能找到当事人行使起诉权的法律依据。From our constitution law and civil entity law and other prescription, we can find the basis litigant perform litigious right.

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在科技行业官司越来越多的环境下,这些专利将为谷歌的知识产权提供保护。Those patents would give the search giant protection of its intellectual property in an increasingly litigious technology environment.

五该外国金融控股公司之总机构,在我国境内指定有诉讼及非诉讼之代理人。The head office of such Foreign Financial Holding Company has appointed an agent for litigious and non-litigious matters in the R. O. C.

利益平衡、国家干预及诉权分离理论是检察机关提起民事公益诉讼的理论基础。Interest balance, state intervention and litigious right separation are theoretical basis that procuratorial organ initiates civil litigation.

诉权作为一项救济权利之权利已呈现出宪法化、国际化的世界宪政趋势。The Litigious right which acts as the relief right has assumed world constitutionalism tendency on Constitutionalization and Internationalization.

检察权具有监督性,但对于法院,其监督是通过诉权对审判权的制约来实现的。Procuratorial power is a kind of supervisory power. Its supervision on the courts is through the restraint of litigious rights on adjudicative power.

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司法鉴定制度作为证据制度的重要组成部分,与诉讼制度、司法制度具有不可分割的天然联系。The system of judicial expertise, which is the important component part of evidence system, is naturally linked with the litigious system and judicial system.

她请了大量病假,声称自己的工作“压力很大”。我得把她炒掉,但她了解所有相关规则,并且颇有打官司的雅兴。She takes a huge amount of sick leave, claiming the job is "stressful". I need to get rid of her but she knows all the rules and has a litigious frame of mind.

普通程序简易审和简易程序普通审是两种不同的审理方式,其追求诉讼价值的侧重点也有所不同。Summary trial for ordinary procedure and ordinary trial for summary procedure are two different types of trial with different emphasis on pursuing litigious values.