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我们自己的革命战争几乎因为缺乏广泛的支持而胎死腹中。Our own revolutionary war almost died aborning through lack of popular support- William '.

科学技术的高度发展,提高了人力资源在生产中的地位。The height of science and technology develops, improved the position of manpower resource aborning.

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2000年之后,我感觉铁道部对于信息化在生产中的运用比较多,新技术的使用也比较多了。After 2000, I feel a railway ministry to informatization aborning apply more, the use of new technology is more also.

宝洁公司确认在生产中未添加铬和钕,其系原料带入所致。Treasure clean company affirms aborning did not add chromium and neodymium, its fasten raw material to take be caused by.

他热切相信,折磨乔伊身体的痛苦,好像生产的痛苦,是宣告新生命诞生的最后一声呐喊。The pain that wracked her body, he fervently believed, was like the pain of childbirth, a last loud announcement of new life aborning.

科学技术在生产中的运用是劳动生产率提高的必要条件,但它本身并不创造新价值。Of aborning of science and technology applying is the requirement that labor productivity raises, but itself does not create new value.

为此,在生产中有效地控制导电纤维的含量,对降低防静电织物的生产成本,具有极其重要的意义。For this, aborning controls electric fibrous content effectively, antistatic to reducing the manufacturing cost of fabric, have all in all sense.

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太空时代正在孕育之中,科幻作家和视觉艺术家们将他们的才华用于描绘未来,一个伟大的九天之外的未来。Science fiction writers and visionary artists of the aborning Space Age applied their talents to picturing a grand future beyond the wild blue yonder.

生产要素的所有权和生产要素在生产中的作用是按生产要素分配的理论基础。The action of the droit of factor of production and aborning of factor of production is to press foundation of theory of distributive of factor of production.

高新技术使劳动者在生产中的地位发生了质的变化,已超越物质资本成为价值的主要源泉。New and high technology makes the position of laborer aborning produced simple change, already surmounted corporeal capital to become the main source of value.

重视物态资本在生产中的基础地位和作用,是研究资本问题的逻辑起点,它不应该被贬低而受到忽视。Take the fundamental position of aborning of capital of states of matter and action seriously, it is the logistic start that studies capital issue, it should be not debased and be ignored.

物质向人类提供各种材料,能量提供各种形式的动力,而信息则通过信息技术主导物质和能量在生产中的流动过程。Material provides all sorts of data to the mankind, energy provides multiform power, and the course of going from place to place that information passes IT dominant material and energy aborning.