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一个雪糕品酒师怎么样?。How about an ice-Cream taster?

但油的魅力却是由品尝师的口味决定的。But oil appeal is on the palate of the taster.

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味觉最好的那位将会获得诸如一个iPad或者一套DVD作为奖品。The top taster would win a prize such as an iPad or a set of DVDs.

公司没有公开巧克力品尝师的薪水。The company did not disclose how much the chocolate taster would earn.

这本书基本上会让那些不熟悉该学科的人对其有个初步了解。The book is essentially a taster for those unfamiliar with the subject.

哪种口味才是这个国家最有经验的冰淇淋品尝师的最爱呢?So what flavor does the best-trained ice-cream taster in the country prefer?

我想你误会了,布莱恩是馅饼厂的试味专员。I think you've got it wrong. Brian is the official taster at the pie factory.

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在双重盲品中,品尝者对葡萄酒的信息一无所知。In a double-blind tasting, the taster has no information about the wines in the flight.

你想成为专业巧克力品尝师吗?请留下评论,让我们知道你的想法。Would you want to go pro as a chocolate taster? Let us know in the comment section below.

把你的演讲/表达想象成一个你必须要分享的美味可口的“甜点”!A presentation is a taster for what you have to share. It can raise awareness of your topic.

他们拿小勺,我知道,是吃冰激凌的那种,我喜欢看他们用小的叉子。They have small taster spoons , I know, with ice cream, I'd like to see them have small forks.

这里,品尝者摘取了艾莱岛上的布鲁克莱迪克酿酒厂一个酒桶里的样本。Here, a taster draws a sample from a cask at the Bruichladdich distillery on the Isle of Islay.

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这个团队得出的公式不仅可用于让品酒师“打动他的朋友”,莱克拉里说道。The team's formula is useful for more than just helping a wine taster "impress his friends," Reclari says.

你可以只买一瓶酒,尝一尝口利佐香肠,或者留下做一天职业品酒师。You can come and buy just one bottle, try some chorizo or stay and become pro wine taster just for one day.

另一个世界最好工作给了12岁的学生哈里威尔舍,成为糖果厂的首席品尝师。Another one of the world's best job has gone to schoolboy Harry Willsher, 12, chief taster in a sweet factory.

有个红酒商仓库的品酒师死了,老总开始招聘新酒师。At a wine merchant's warehouse, the regular taster died, and the director started looking for a new one to hire.

在单一盲品中,品尝者可能知道所品葡萄酒的品牌或类型,但却不知道顺序。In a single-blind tasting, the taster may know which brand or types of wine are in the flight, but not the order.

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酒与艺术都是用情之物。艺术酒廊兼容了画师与品酒师的双栖造诣。Wine and art are both emotional things. The art lounge represents the combined attainments of painter and wine taster.

这种具有精确几何形状的酒杯能够使品酒者以最少的酒具享受尽可能多的酒香。The precise geometrical shape of the glass makes wine taster enjoy most of the mellow aroma of the wine with least wine set.

詹姆斯洛克先生是一位专业的品酒师,也是我们来自美国的葡萄酒顾问。James Luko is a professional wine taster and wine consultant from the United States who owns his own Winery in San Francisco.