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帕比像个小孩似的傻笑一声。Pappy smirked like a child.

但最令我骄傲的是我的爸爸。But I'm most proud of my pappy.

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这就是我的爸爸和我的家人!That's my pappy and that's my kin!

它不好吃。爸爸,你可以给我一个吗?That's not good. Can you give me a lollipop, Pappy?

爸爸,你怎么把罐子里的棒棒糖都拿了?为什么?Pappy? Why did you take the al- lollipops on that jar? Why?

“陌生人”,帕皮说,“那是一流的演奏。"Well, stranger, " Pappy said, "that was first-class fiddling.

等你老长啦,你的小狗狗好可爱啊,和我的一样。I'm waiting for you for a long time , and your little pappy is so cute.

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他们谈论着小提琴的调子以及帕皮和老人在这个山区里所认识的会拉提琴的人。They talked about fiddle tunes and the fiddlers that Pappy and the old man had known here in the mountains.

他的上司,第五航空队的副司令,埃尼斯.怀特黑德准将,和他一样也是一个脾气暴躁的家伙。His superior was Brigadier General Ennis Whitehead, deputy commander of the Fifth Air Force and just as irascible as Pappy.

总而言之,每天摄入欧米加3可以大大延长寿命,使你开心,浑身舒畅,觉得正常,总之感觉并不赖。All in all, daily intake of omega three should raise your life expectancy significantly and make you feel happy, pappy and much less wacky, which can"t be bad."

某特工不断地拉着曲子,不时瞥一眼帕皮,突然音乐变了,琴弦上响起了一首古老的民歌,旋律优美。One tune after another Agent X played, occasionally glancing at Pappy. Suddenly the music changed, and from the strings came the sweet notes of an old folk song.

这是因为药粥具有汤剂、流质、半流质的特点,不仅香甜可口,便于吸收,而且可养胃气,治疗慢性病。Because medical congee has decoction, fluidity, pappy characteristic, this is, not only sweet and goluptious , facilitate absorb, and can raise gastric spirit, remedial chronic.

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帕布认为,北美航空公司生产的双发B-25是其最有潜力的飞机。It was Pappy that considered the twin-engine bomber and its sister, the A-20, and found potential in the aircraft far above what the North American Aviation Company had planned.

吃完饭,三个人坐在小木屋外春日的阳光下,他们聊着小提琴曲以及这山里帕皮和老人所知道的小提琴手们。After they had eaten, the three men sat in the spring sunshine outside the cabin. They talked about fiddle tunes and the fiddlers that Pappy and the old man had known here in the mountains.