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鹰飞得很高。The eagle flies high.

鹰飞得很高。Thee eagle flies high.

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它的意思是鹰腿石。It means Eagle leg rock.

我们的鹰飞到哪去了?Where has our eagle gone?

这只鹰整理它的翅膀。The eagle plumed its wing.

鹰整理它翅膀上的羽毛。The eagle plumed its wing.

鹰角石什么意思?What does Eagle Rock mean?

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鹰展开了双翅。The eagle spread its wings.

那只鹰收拢双翅做俯冲。The eagle drooped its wings.

你是雄伟高峻的山。You're an eagle flying high.

一只鹰在我们的头顶上飞翔。A eagle hawks over our heads.

而鹰的视网膜具有一百万个棒状细胞。An eagle has about a million.

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海鸥们群驱秃鹰。Gulls send away a bald eagle.

鹰展开双翅。The eagle expanded its wings.

鸽子啄伤老鹰。The pigeon injured the eagle.

一只大鹰扑向一只猎物。A big eagle stooped at a prey.

这只鹰叼走了一只羊。The eagle carried off a sheep.

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鹰展开了它的翅膀。The eagle outspread its wings.

雄鹰不捕苍蝇。The eagle does not chase flies.

那是只大黑鹰吗?Is that a big, black eagle bird?