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没错,是堪萨斯。You're right, it was Kansas.

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然后,移民到堪萨斯州的托贝卡。And then moving to Topeka, Kansas.

于是堪萨斯全区的混乱仍在继续。The civil disorder in Kansas continued.

堪萨斯州的邮政缩写是KS。The postal abbreviation for Kansas is KS.

堪萨斯州算不上生态主义的热土。Kansas is hardly a hotbed of eco-activism.

但她也搞不清这封信为何最后跑到了堪萨斯州。She was not sure how it ended up in Kansas.

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她说堪萨斯是那颗星星的名字。And Kansas she says is the name of the star.

堪萨斯的自然风就能把这事办好。The good old Kansas wind can do it on its own.

郭台铭义不容辞,“我已经在堪萨斯城买下了一个工厂,我们需要模具和冲压设备。”Gou obliged. "I bought a company in Kansas City.

我在密西根州,密苏里州,堪萨斯州呆过。I was in units in Michigan, Missouri and Kansas.

堪萨斯城宽频项目如今进展顺利。The Kansas City broadband plan is well advanced.

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美国堪萨斯州中东一城市,位于托皮卡西南。A city of east-central Kansas southwest of Topeka.

这里位于堪萨斯城,我们一整年都可以进行留守假期啦。^_^Here in Kansas City, we staycation all year round.

堪萨斯法院的判决为终审判决。In the end, the Kansas Supreme Court ruling stands.

朱迪。巴顿,来自堪萨斯州盐湖城。My name is Judy Barton. I come from Salina, Kansas.

坎萨斯城警察星期一逮到一个坏家伙。Police in Kansas City chased down a bad guy Monday.

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独立城美国密苏里州西部一城市,位于堪萨斯城郊区。A city of western Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City.

托托,我有一种感觉我们再也荤刍了家了。Toto I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

抑或,后半生居住在堪萨斯农场?Or to live the rest of your life on a farm in Kansas?