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我不知道配电盘在什么部位。I'm not sure where the distributor is.

拆下分电盘盖和电线。Remove the distributor cap and wiring.

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安装分电盘盖和电线。Install the distributor cap and wiring.

你是批发商还是自己种茶?Are you a distributor or do you grow tea?

拆下分电盘盖和电线。Remove the distributor and ignition wires.

安装辅助电缆至分电盘盖。Install secondary cables to distributor cap.

哎呀,没有。我不知道配电盘在什么部位。Oh gosh, no. I'm not sure where the distributor is.

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本研究使用单孔板、多孔板、烧结金属板三种气体分布器类型。Three types of gas distributor were used in this study.

一般而言,配销商会提供并装设好窗户。Typically, a distributor furnishes and installs the windows.

ZMI公司是一家以钢铁贸易为主的大型贸易流通企业。ZMI is a large-scale distributor with iron & steel products.

他是传球手和球权分配者——但也能很好的得分。He's a passer and distributor – who can also score very well.

我最先是Atari的代理商,然后又开始作Sega的发行商。你知道Sega吗?So I was a distributor of Atari and then Sega. You know Sega?

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同时介绍该系统在分电器试验台上的实验情况。The system tests on the distributor tester are also presented.

请将你的副本和衍生物归属于分发者。Please attribute to the distributor of your copy or derivative.

现代的软化系统都含有分水器滤网用来阻挡树脂。Modern water softeners have distributor screens to prevent this.

这家公司是本地大众汽车零件的配销商。The company is the local distributor for Volkswagen spare parts.

这是一个自动售货机经销商真能帮助你。This is where a vending machine distributor can really help you.

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对贵方建议由我方担任独家经销商一事,我们颇感兴趣。We’re favorably impressed by your proposal for a sole distributor.

上海别克轿车的电子点火系统是一种无分电器点火系统。The distributor less ignition system is used in shanghai Buick Car.

请问你知不知道直销商可以从你的消费中获得收入?。Do you know that distributor can gain revenue from your consumption?