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下一步,他会发现所有的形相都融入不可分割的绝对本体里面。Next he finds that the form merges in the Indivisible Absolute.

在某一上下文中视为不可分的一种数据单位。A unit of data that, in a certain context, is considered indivisible.

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我们相信在这个新的全球化时代,每个国家都是荣辱与共的。We believe that in this new global age our prosperity is indivisible.

你可以把议会分成两大派,但是总统却只有一个,这不可改变。You can split the Senate in two, but the presidency is one man, indivisible.

我们想认识梵天,绝对不可分割的存在―知识―喜悦。We want to realize Brahman , the Indivisible Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute.

他将原子描述为无限的极微小的,粒子,他用德语给原子命名。And, being he described as an infinity of indivisible particles, which he dubbed atoms from the Greek.

犹如原子是元素的基本单元粒子同样,份子形成为了化合物的1个最小单元。As the atom is the unit particle for elements, so the molecule forms an indivisible unit for compounds.

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“真”的美化和“美”的真化是纪录片创作中一个不可分割的双向流动过程。Embellishing reality and aesthetics is a two way fluidity process indivisible in documentary film creation.

业务不能区分需求的优先次序并且坚持将他们作为一个完整的,不可分割的集合而对待。The business cannot prioritize the requirements and insists on treating them as a complete, indivisible set.

这些是,他的模型的一些内容,物质是有原子组成的,不可分割且不可毁灭的。These are the planks of his model, that matter is composed of atoms that are indivisible and indestructible.

对工程技术上紧密相联、不可分割的单位工程不得分割标段。The project units with close technical connections and that are indivisible may not be divided into sections.

海德格尔美学是其存在论哲学思想的不可分割的部分,是对西方传统美学的颠覆。As an indivisible part of his ontology philosophy, Heidegger's aesthetics has subverted traditional western aesthetics.

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所有评分方法和标准应当作为招标文件不可分割的一部分并对投标人公开。All scoring methods and standards shall be an indivisible part of the bidding documents and be made public to the tenderers.

如果在9.11恐怖事件之后的今天,我们看得更清楚、更远,我们就会认识到人类是不可分的。If today, after the horror of 11 September, we see better, and we see further -- we will realize that humanity is indivisible.

下一步阿尔贝托介绍德谟克利特和不可分割的原子理论的基本所有的性质以及概念的命运。Next Alberto describes Democritus and the theory of indivisible atoms underlying all of nature as well as the concept of fate.

前者承担可分割的生产资本的职能,后者承担不可分割的社会成本之职能。The former has the function of divisible production capital whereas the latter bears the function of indivisible social capital.

其四,“三农”问题是城市化进程涉及的农村层面。In forth, the change of villages, agriculture and peasants which bring from urbanization is an indivisible aspect of urbanization.

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单个原子本身不能以物理的方式被分开,因为它是完整的固体,已经将虚空完全排除在外了,因此是不可分的。An atom itself could not be physically divided since it is perfectly solid, completely excluding the void, and thereby indivisible.

例如7和17这样的质数是所有数字的基石,因为每一个数字的组成都是把这些质数相成而得的。Indivisible numbers such as seven and 17 are the building blocks of all numbers because every number is built by multiplying these primes together.

列宁主义是帝国主义和无产阶级革命时代的产物,是马克思主义发展整个过程中不可分割的一个主要阶段。Leninism was an outcome of imperialism and ages of proletarian revolution and also be the indivisible main part of the whole development of Marxism.