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实验探索自放热型防腐涂层。A new type antisepsis coating was exploited.

用于电镀、防腐及分析试剂。Used in electroplating, antisepsis and analytical reagent.

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经采取隔离、消毒措施后,未见新发病。No other new case was found after the isolation and antisepsis were taken.

第三部分是抗菌藻涂料的研制试验。The third part is development experiments of antisepsis algicide coatings.

整体机柜通过磷酸盐防腐喷塑处理。The whole machine is dealt with through phosphate antisepsis plastic spraying.

结论在外科手消毒时建议使用无水洗手液揉搓消毒的方法。The alcohol-based surgical hand rub is recommended for surgical hand antisepsis.

本文综述了多元醇脂肪酸酯的防腐保鲜作用。Antisepsis and fresh-keeping effects of polyol fatty acid ester are summarized in this paper.

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主要介绍了煤沥青粉填充环氧防腐涂料的制备方法。The preparation of the Tar-Epoxy coal pitch powder antisepsis coating is mainly introduced in this paper.

甲醛用途十分广泛,涉及合成树脂、塑料、橡胶、造纸、制药和防腐等领域。Formaldehyde is widely used in vinylite, plastic, rubber, paper making, pharmacy, and antisepsis and so on.

通常为提高保护效果,采用防腐层与阴极保护双重保护。Generally, antisepsis and cathedral protection are both used to get double safeguard to enhance the effects.

对深井开采中油管使用寿命较短的问题,长宁盐矿将油管进行防腐处理。The Changlin Salt Mine makes antisepsis to the oil pipe for prolong life of oil pipe used in the deep wells.

说明丁香叶油对采后桃果实具有明显的防腐保鲜效果。The results showed that antisepsis preservation of clove leaf oil on the postharvest peach was very obvious.

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研究了巴氏杀菌中性乳饮料的防腐保鲜技术。In this paper, the antisepsis and fresh-keeping technology for pasteurized neutral milk beverages is studied.

目的探讨蛇伤药酒抗眼镜蛇毒、内毒素及细菌的效果。Objective To explore the treatment effects of anti-cobratoxin, anti-endotoxin and antisepsis for the snakebite tincture.

由于防腐、防裂技术的不断改进,有的作品可以保存数十年甚至上百年。Due to the technologic improvement of antisepsis and anti-split, the figurines can exist more than decades even centuries.

并为重防腐涂料提供周到的技术支持和配套服务以及各种涂料成品的供应。Meanwhile, we are able to provide dedicated technical support and related services for heavy antisepsis coating and so on.

近年来,电厂化学监督界围绕凝汽器防腐开展了大量工作。In recent years, much work has been done around the antisepsis of the condenser in the chemical superintendence of power plant.

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采用前、后处理系统来满足过滤、除氨氮、杀菌消毒、增氧等需要。Adopting prior and posterior deposal system met the demands of filtrating, removing ammonia, rising oxygen, sterilizing and antisepsis.

公司专业从事聚四氟乙烯以及聚四氟乙烯业务。The enterprise dongyang sihuan antisepsis equipment co. , ltd. offers among other things Polytetrafluor ethylene and Polytetrafluoroethylene.

经过分析与论证,确定采用以粘碳纤维法为主的综合加固措施对厂房结构进行整体的加固与防腐处理。Based on analysis and demonstration, determined that to reinforce and antisepsis the workshop by comprehensive measures of mainly CFRP-bonded.