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选择不同部件材质,可使用多种介质。Wide selection of materials, applicable for carious medium.

结果实验组龋齿发病率明显小于对照组。Results The carious rate of test group was lower than the control.

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习语是语言文化中的精华,而且受文化因素的影响。Idioms are the elite of carious language, influenced by the cultural factors.

一次里约的旅游让你看到里约热内卢人快乐的生活方式。A trip to Rio will give you a glimpse of the happily lifestyle of the carious.

窝沟封闭能有效预防窝沟龋的发生。The pit and fissure sealant have significant preventive effect on carious teeth.

目的为了进一步提高非龋性磨牙急性牙髓炎的诊断水平。Objective To improve the diagnosis of acute pulpitis on molars without carious lesions.

结论窝沟封闭能有效预防窝沟龋的发生。Conclusion The pit and fissure sealant have significant preventive effect on carious teeth.

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尊享世界至尊卡是一种拥有包括汉语服务在内的多种语言管理服务的高级信用卡。A deluxe credit card coupled with concierge services in carious languages, as well as in Chinese.

主要阐述带电更换各类耐张绝缘子串作业中绳索化技术的关键部分。Major parts concerning the roping technology for the change of carious strain insulators are introduced.

乐队指挥使用信号和手势让音乐家们知道乐曲的各个部分何时演奏。A conductor uses signals and gestures to let the musicians know when to play carious parts of a composition.

这种染色在龋病、外伤时有不同程度的增强,而在炎症时则减弱。Significantly higher levels of NOS were found in pulp of carious tooth and traumatic pulp, but lower in inflammatory pulp.

然而应用于治疗发育未完成恒牙龋齿,导致牙髓暴露但无临床症状之病例,亦获得极高之成功率。Moreover, quite high success rate are also found in the treatment of young, posterior, symptom-free teeth with carious exposure.

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本病例报告是关于一个罕见的双侧乳正中门齿鹰爪型牙阜的案例,将针对其龋齿的治疗加以讨论。This is a rare case of bilateral talon cusps in the maxillary primary incisors. Treatment of the carious bilateral talon cusps was presented.

本机适应于纺织厂清洁各型细纱机上各种绒辊的表面积棉。This machine is suitable for cleaning the adsorptive cotton on the surface of carious felt-covered rollers for different types of spinning frames.

牙齿硬组织非龋性损伤在临床上大致可归纳为磨损、楔形缺损、隐裂和牙折。Non- carious disease has various clinical characteristics and can be mainly categorized into tooth wear, wedge-shaped defect, cracked tooth and fracture.

需要根管治疗的最主要特征是因牙腐烂过程,牙破裂或牙片剥落,或牙外科创伤导致的不可逆转的牙髓炎和牙浆坏死。The main indications for RoCT are irreversible pulpitis and necrosis of the dental pulp caused by carious processes, tooth cracks or chips, or dental trauma.

这片土地由石头构成,白天积聚热量,夜晚缓慢地将热量释放到空气中,提升酒的新鲜度及香味。This island is constituted of stones, accumulate heat during the day to return it back slowly during the night, exalting the fresh and carious fragrances of the wines.

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本文探讨了牙本质龋损中胶原蛋白的变化持点,为临床牙本质龋的预防与治疗提供参考依据。In order to provide the scientific basis for the prevention and treatment on dentinal caries, the changes of the collagenous proteins in carious dentin was investigated.

目的探讨牙本质龋损中胶原蛋白的变化特点,为临床牙本质龋的预防与治疗提供参考依据。Aim In order to provide the scientific basis for the prevention and treatment on dentinal caries, the changes of the collagenous proteins in carious dentin was investigated.

CPFR是一种基于网络的合作模式,其活动包括供应链合作伙伴间在生产和购买计划、需求预测和库存补货上的合作。CPFR is a Web-based attempt to coordinate the carious activities including production and purchase planning, demand forecasting and inventory replenishment between supply chain trading partners.