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中国船员泰国湄公河遭劫,13人全部遇害。Attack on Chinese boats on Mekong River kills 13.

黄昏时刻,传统的小船划过湄公河。Traditional boats cross the Mekong River at dusk.

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我不会让她在比如湄公河这样的河里游泳。I would not, for example, let her swim in the Mekong.

第二天上午,我参加了为时两天的湄公河巡航游。The next morning I joined a two-day cruise up the Mekong.

仅在湄公河上,中国计划修建或已修建了八座大坝。On the Mekong alone China has planned or built eight dams.

为期两天的大湄公河次区域首脑会议将于星期天开幕。The two-day Greater Mekong Subregion summit begins Sunday.

然而,关于湄公河流量降低的问题似乎得到控制。Yet the row over the drop in the Mekong seems under control.

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他说,没有好的管理,湄公河“不会幸免”。The Mekong "will not survive" without good management, he said.

我们在这里介绍一些湄公河地区的摩托车探险路线。Here is our guide to a two-wheeled adventure in the Mekong region

当你的皮船和木筏冲进湄公河时和急流的艰险战斗。Fight the rapids as you kayak and raft down the vast Mekong River.

中国在湄公河修建大坝已然引起中南半岛下游地区的不满。Its damming of the Mekong has sparked anger downstream in Indochina.

2005年,柬埔寨渔业部门放生一条湄公河巨型鲇鱼。Cambodia Fisheries personnel release a Mekong giant catfish in 2005.

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湄公河为水稻种植生产提供了肥沃的可灌溉土地。The Mekong River provides fertile, irrigated fields for rice production.

老挝的首都万象就座落在湄公河岸上。Vientiane, the capital of laos, nestles on the banks of the mekong river.

亚口鱼是发现于大湄公河地区的新物种之一。A sucker fish is among new species discovered in the Greater Mekong region.

世界十大大型淡水鱼中有四种会迁移至湄公河产卵。Four of the world's 10 biggest freshwater fish migrate up the Mekong to spawn.

他将会见出席大湄公河次区域第三次首脑会议的其他国家领导人。He will join other heads of state for the third Greater Mekong Subregion summit.

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很明显,湄公地区正被看作是多重利益的结合点。It is clear the Mekong subregion is seeing an integration of multiple interests.

蒹葭萋萋,白露未曦。所谓伊人,在水之湄。Jianjia luxuriant, Bailu not Xi. The so-called Iraqi people in the Mekong water.

许多探险家想探寻湄公河的源头,但都没有成功。Many explorers' quests to find the source of the Mekong River were unsuccessful.