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他喃喃地,听不清他说什么。He muttered something inaudible.

这个男的摔倒了,发出了一声极其微弱的呻吟。The man fell down, and let out an almost inaudible moan.

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时间的不可听见的无声脚步。---莎士比亚。The inaudible and noiseless foot of Time. --- Shakespeare.

这些频率非常高的声音人耳是听不见的。These very high frequency sounds are inaudible to the human ear.

值得庆幸的是,在现代的数码设备上,“假信号混淆”失真都低到了使人听不出的程度。Fortunately, in all modern digital gear, aliasing is so low in level that it's inaudible.

他沿着队列一一握手,口中念念有词,但听不到他在说什么。He walked down the line shaking hands with each and mumbling a few words that were inaudible.

人类听不到20千赫以上的声音,而狗可以察觉到高达23千赫的声音。Anything above 20 kHz is inaudible to a human, with dogs able to detect sounds pitched up to 23 kHz.

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在设备噪音可能淹没紧急警报声之处,必须额外提供可视报警。Additional visual alarms must be provided where noisy equipment might make emergency alarms inaudible.

越南已针对性地要求中国遵守协议,而其它国家几近充耳不闻。Vietnam has pointedly demanded China observe the agreement, but the others have been almost inaudible.

苍白的,概念化的,我想这是两种在舞台上很难表现的特征,因为会听不到。Ashen and abstract, I suppose, are two very difficult qualities to reproduce on stage, because they'd be inaudible.

这将清除仍在处理的所有剩余通知,即使它们已经减弱为听不见的音量级别。This will clear any residual notes that are still processing, even if they have faded to an inaudible volume level.

他将闭幕式上伦敦邀请世界的伦敦八分钟描述为“根本听不见”。He described Britain's eight-minute performance at the ceremony to invite the world to London as "virtually inaudible".

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大自然用什么样的无声召唤,和什么样的温柔抚摸,让所有沉睡的生灵都在同一刻醒来?At what inaudible summons, at what gentle touch of Nature, are all these sleepers thus recalled in the same hour to life?

次声的作用机理是生物共振,次声应用于生物医学,前景将会十分广阔。Being inaudible and with a mechanism of bio-resonance, infrasound has a brilliant perspective when applied to biomedicine.

此腺体让高频调和非可听声调被传输贯穿你的能量场,特别是形体周围。This gland allows high pitched and inaudible sounds to be transmitted throughout one's field, particularly surrounding the form.

有和Antasari约会的旅馆房间,有关于他们两人的谈话录音带,没有什么其他确凿的物证了。There was a hotel room rendezvous with Antasari, an inaudible taped conversatio n of the pair, but little else of real substance.

“慎独”有其一定的境界,即应注重不睹不闻的“隐微”处,“隐”和“微”即为“慎独”的两端。Shendu is a high level of morality, calling for attention to invisible and inaudible "hides" and "micro" places which are the two ends of Shendu.

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次声波监听仪的探测对象与地震波检波器相同,但捕捉的是大气中传播的人耳听不见的声波。如果一枚核弹爆炸,则会产生这种著名的等幅声波,这种声波会环绕地球进行传播。Infrasound monitors do the same job for the atmosphere, picking up the inaudible but remarkably persistent sound waves that circle the world when a bomb goes off.

实验结果证明所嵌入的水印具有很好的不可感知性,对加白噪声、低通滤波和重采样等各种攻击具有良好的鲁棒性。The experiment results show that the embedded watermark is inaudible , and has good robustness against kinds of attacks such as white noise, low-pass filtering and resampling.

庄道生边坐在台下,等着看蒋可心出丑,变漫不经心地翻开那本笔记本,越看越不对劲,这时才醒觉,原来蒋可心是听不见的。Zhuang Daosheng sat in the audience, waiting to see Jiang Kexin a change casually opened the notebook, more and more wrong, then wake up, the original Jiang Kexin is inaudible.