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那么,Brassy医生是怎样嘱咐他的病人的呢?So what does Dr. Brassy tell his patients?

那些厚脸皮的男孩儿朝着我们伸舌头。The brassy boys put their tongues out at us.

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玩音乐的人在街角大声弹奏起尖锐刺耳的爵士乐。Musicians blast their brassy jazz from street corners.

电幕上一个低沉的女人声音在唱一支爱国歌曲。From the telescreen a brassy female voice was squalling a patriotic song.

电幕上一个女人用低沉的声音在唱一支爱国歌曲。From the telescreen a brassy female voice was squalling a patriotic song.

中和所有颜色秀发的黄铜色,增加灰发的光泽。Adds silvery brightness to gray hair and neutralizes brassy tones in all shades.

他在那里可能并没有很好的工具,但他很敏捷、健壮。He might not have the best physical tools out there, but he's shrewd, brassy guy.

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裤袋上不显眼的徽标就像是原本的醒目标志的幽灵或“幻影”。A subtle logo on the pocket is like a ghost, or phantom, of the brassy original logo.

黄昏时分,太阳落山了,一道黄烂烂的霞光,取代了明朗的日光。By early evening the sun had gone and a brassy glare had taken the place of clear daylight.

一个男人努力保存他父亲留下来的鞋厂,他在Lola找到一个不太可能的搭档----她是一个声音刺耳的卡巴莱夜总会歌手。A man finds an unlikely ally in Lola, a brassy cabaret singer, in his effort to save his father's shoe factory.

颜色为银黄色至黄铜色,这取决于主要组分的铜所占的比重。The colour varies from white-gold to Brassy , depending on the percentages of the major constituents and copper.

然而,这些会变成死刑,如果你没有勃勃生气和身高来运用它的话。However, long and slinky can turn brassy and Bet Lynch if you don't have the freshness and height to carry it off.

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我喜欢闻松脂和黑色润滑油味道,喜欢闻羊毛制服的霉味和潮湿的黄铜喇叭的扑鼻气味。I loved the smell of cork grease and slide oil, of musty woolen uniforms, and the tangy dankness of brassy horn bells.

而现在,我感觉置身在许多高嗓门、不知羞耻的爱尔兰天主教徒之中而无法逃避,我惟一能做的就是将他们全都写下来。As it is now, I feel stuck in the midst of a lot of loud, brassy Irish Catholics, and the only way I can maybe write about them all.

裤子的后腰上有一个小小的手工刺绣的美国国旗,口袋的黄铜钮钉上的标志看上去像个鬼魂或魅影。It has a small American flag hand-embroidered on the waistband. A subtle logo on the pocket is like a ghost, or phantom, of the brassy original logo.

音乐起到了增强和改变动作的效果,同时也对过去古铜的邦德式电影原声巧妙地表达了敬意。The music does what it needs to do to amplify and inflect the action, while also paying subtle sonic homage to the brassy Bond-style soundtracks of the past.

在三株苍翠的松柏树的围拢之中,有一座古铜色的雕塑映入眼帘,无论是谁靠近它,那暖暖的黄铜色都足以温暖心灵。In the surrounding of three green pine trees, there is a bronze sculpture greeted, regardless of who is close to it, the warm brassy is enough to warm the heart.