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你能吃到整个的烤洋葱,you can get whole grilled onions,

我建议您来点牛腰排或者烤鳟鱼好吗?。I'll have the grilled trout, then.

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博卡汉堡烤蔬菜汉堡包Boca Burger Grilled Vegetable burger

肉丸是外面裹着面包屑的小肉球。Teppanyaki is grilled slices of beef.

烤鱼丸很好吃。Grilled fish balls are very delicious.

我比较爱吃意大利式的烤鸡。I prefer Italian-style grilled chicken.

柠檬紫苏椰汁烤鸡。Grilled Coconut Chicken with Lemon Basil.

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与烤肉,炖菜或芝士搭配理想。Ideal with grilled meat, stews and cheese.

烤牡蛎是另一道当地名菜。Grilled oysters are another local favorite.

蘑菇,鸡肉,奶油。Mushroom, char-coal grilled chicken, cream.

这烤肉还是一门技术活。This a grilled meat still a technique lives.

搭配烤肉,野味和重口味的奶酪。Grilled and roast meats, game, strong cheese.

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盐烤生鱼。多凶狠的样子。Salted grilled "Haruan" Fish. Look so fierce.

你点的鸡肉要烤的还是炸的?Would you like your chicken grilled or fried?

搭配烤牛肉、羊肉和柔和奶酪十分美味。Enjoy with grilled beef, lamb or soft cheesed.

如果可能的话,点板烧鸡腿堡。Where possible order a grilled chicken burger.

您希望鲑鱼用大火煎还是用烤的?Would you like the salmon pan-fried or grilled?

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您希望鲑鱼用大火煎还是烤的?Would you like the salmon pan-fried or grilled ?

他们就在动物风格的汉堡上加上切碎的炒洋葱,so animal style puts in, they chop grilled onions

主考人严厉地考问学生三个钟头。The examiner grilled the students for three hours.