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他喜欢迪斯科音乐的节奏。He liked disco music tempo.

我们随节奏轻舞一步接一步。We saunter through tempo step by step.

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什么是音乐的速度,好的,那位先生What's tempo in music? Yes, gentleman?

但我真得能很不错地驾驭表演的节奏。I have a good command of tempo in performing.

而纽约这个城市的节奏也是令人兴奋的。The tempo of the city itself is exhilarating.

将10-英里乳酸门槛跑,变作坡道训练。Turn a 10-mile tempo run into a hill workout.

倾听这个节拍,等待它的韵律。Listen for this tempo and wait for its rhythm.

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时基误差影响的主要是音拍和音调。Time-based errors affect mainly pitch and tempo.

节奏调控收紧和放松有高有低。I regulate the tempo by tightening and loosening.

音乐上不合节拍就是出娄子。Musically to break time of tempo is to brown off.

我们应跟上时代的飞速步伐。We should keep pace with the swift tempo of the day.

由于节奏快、噪音大,我不喜欢摇滚乐。Quick tempo and big noise make me dislike rock music.

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姚发,天宝十二年登进士第。诗一首。Yao hair, Tempo section Chin Teng years. Write a poem.

郑愕,天宝十二年登进士第。诗一首。Zheng palate, Tempo section Chin Teng years. Write a poem.

埃尔加给自己的作品标上了精确的节奏标记。Elgar supplied his works with precise indications of tempo.

收音机和电视机加快了新闻的传送速度。Radio and television have stepped up the tempo of the news.

我们目前达到了每个月大约一次发射的节奏。Weare currently at a tempo of about one launch every month.

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我们开始吧,注意速度,在这里也放慢了一点Here we go. Notice the tempo is slowed down a bit here also.

虽然,研究人员并未要求受测者刻意模仿语速和停顿。They did this without being directed to mimic tempo or pauses.

如果人们总是打断你,你的语速就显得太慢或犹疑不决。If people often interrupt, your tempo may be too slow or halting.