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专业选择错了,等于就是踏错了圈子。Professional choice is bad, be equal to is misstep circle.

当应用程序中存在逻辑错误时,就会出现语句错误。A statement failure occurs when there is a logic misstep in an application.

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走错一小步或轻微的风就能把他吹下铁丝。The slightest misstep or gust of wind could cause him to fall off the wire.

评者指出,雷曼公司破产后,财政部又出现了一次战略性的失误。Lehman’s failure was followed by another strategic misstep by Treasury, critics say.

反倒因他们的过失,救恩便临到外邦人,好惹动他们妒忌。But by their misstep salvation has come to the Gentiles, to provoke them to jealousy.

在当今槽糕的市场环境下,稍有差错就是导致美元大幅贬值,与此同时,美国债收益激增。In today’s febrile markets any misstep could cause the dollar to tumble and Treasury yields to soar further.

他的第一项失误是在去年11月上任后上调惠普的预期,之后却每个季度连连下调。His first misstep was raising H-P's outlook after taking over in November, only to cut it each quarter since.

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你认为哈里在判断上最大的失误是什么?What do you think has been Harry’s greatest misstep or failure in judgment? — Susan Bevins, Winter Park, Fla.

政府强迫贝尔斯登出售自己,但是仓促起草的协议几乎毁了这桩交易。The Fed pressured Bear Stearns to sell itself, but a misstep in the hastily drawn agreement nearly scuttled the deal.

凡此种种显示,Google在全力挑战商业传统及文化规约的时候,有时还真是失策。The pattern suggests that it can sometimes misstep when it tries to challenge business traditions and cultural conventions.

虽然这是一次危险的外交失误,但波格尔一笑了之,毫无顾忌地打算处决如此尊贵的共和国代表。Though a dangerous misstep in diplomacy, Poggle laughed off any concerns of executing such esteemed Republic representatives.

有些浪漫想到一个不注意便绕过了这个重点,不经意地导致了致命错误。Other romance guides blissfully skirt around this important tip, potentially leading their unwary followers to a fatal misstep.

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工人在离地二十七公尺高的地方施工,在这种高度稍有疏失就可能受伤或送命,因此非得系上安全带不可。The team works at over 27m in the air, and any misstep at these heights could injure or kill a worker, so a safety harness is a must.

实际情况是,性能测试在刚开始时经常被忽略,直到流程快结束时才开始考虑,这确实是一个很大的不足之处。The reality is that performance testing is often minimalized and not often considered until very late in the process, which is a big misstep.

但到2007年7月,该公司称雇员开支超标,导致当年第二季度经营收入较前一季度下滑,这可是少有的“失足”。But in July 2007, the company said it had overspent on hiring, causing second-quarter operating income to fall from the prior quarter, a rare misstep.

在宁静的氛围里,你的思想有了自由驰骋的空间,你可以坐下细心梳洗你的思绪,检讨你的过失。In this atmosphere of quiet, you have a space for freedom and galloping your mind. You can wash your feeling when sitting down, and review your misstep.

在今天这种狂躁不安的市场环境中,走错任何一步都会引发美元的暴跌,国库将会陷入更加水深火热的财政赤字之中,所以每一步棋都得慎之又慎。In today’s febrile markets any misstep could cause the dollar to tumble and Treasury yields to soar further. So the moves must be carefully choreographed.

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不要对信用卡套利,从一个0利率的信用卡转到另一个,因为这会破坏你的信用积分,一小步失误带来巨大损失。Do not arbitrage credit cards, rolling from one zero-interest card to another, because it can trash your credit score, and one tiny misstep can cost a fortune.

同样令人担心的是,如果房价变动的幅度正如中国房地产指数系统显示的那样剧烈,那么政策失误导致剧烈回调的可能性会更高。Equally worrying, if movements in prices are as volatile as the private data suggest, the chances of a policy misstep leading to a sharp correction are higher.

当你写的能工作的代码和你打字速度一样快,而且失策率为零,这通常意味着你正在精通这门语言。When you're writing working code nearly as fast as you can type and your misstep rate is near zero, it generally means you've achieved mastery of the language.