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但马里根本不听。But Moray didn’t listen.

可马里伯爵留了下来。But the Earl of Moray stayed.

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伊丽莎白女王写信给马里伯爵。Queen Elizabeth wrote to the Earl of Moray.

你每天和马里以及他的朋友们说话。You talk to Moray and his friends,every day.

她写过信给马里,并且她像我一样是个女王。She wrote to Moray and she is a Queen,like me.

“海鳗号”在阴沉沉的细雨中离开了中途岛。The moray left midway in a melancholy drizzle.

伊丽莎白女王写信给马里伯爵。Queen Elizabeth wrote to the Earl of Moray.‘You

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他们有些人去了英格兰,到马里伯爵那里去了。Some of them went to England,to the Earl of Moray.

一条海鳝静静地在海绵中守候猎物自己上门。Waiting for a meal, a moray eel hides in a sponge.

我觉得海鳝的长相可怖。I think that moray eels have a sinister appearance.

在加勒比海,一条海鳗潜伏在装满鱼笼子的外面。A moray eel lurks outside a cage full of fish in the Caribbean Sea.

后来在完善的过程中,又把鳄鱼和海鳗的特征融入设计。Later refinements incorporated crocodile and moray eel features into the design.

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在东京的阳光水族馆,潜水员与热带海鳗与媒体见面。A diver swims with a moray eel during a press preview at the Sunshine Aquarium in Tokyo.

马切拉•阿罗约是分析阿根廷足球的专家,那么她对马帅的离任是否感到惊讶呢?Marcela Moray Araujo is an Argentinian football specialist. Was she surprised to see him go?

我帮助那些人杀死了里奇奥,现在马里伯爵回来了,和他们在一起!I helped those men to kill Riccio,and now the Earl of Moray is back here with them! He hates me!

湖水流经尼斯河注入马里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河流域的一部分。It drains through the Ness River into the Moray Firth and is part of the Caledonian Canal system.

伊丽莎白女王写信给马里伯爵。“你不能囚禁一个女王,”她说。“这是极其错误的!”Queen Elizabeth wrote to the Earl of Moray.‘You cannot keep a Queen in prison,’she said.‘It is very wrong!’

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这张在印度尼西亚拍摄的蓝色眼眸的欧洲海鳗特写,获得了“印尼居住者”领域的荣誉提名。A close-up of a blue-eyed moray eel in Indonesia captured an honorable mention in the "Indonesia Residents" category.

据说,当时他们正在用鱼叉捕鱼,一只类似巨型海鳗的生物与他们打了个照面,吓得他们差点逃离海面。They allegedly had a very close encounter with a creature like a giant moray eel, which literally scared them out of the water.

苏格兰彭南一排统一用白色涂料粉刷的村舍整齐的沿着平静的摩瑞湾排列着,小船停泊在一个小小的人工海港里。The uniformly whitewashed cottages of Pennan, Scotland, line up around a quiet cove in Moray Firth as boats rest within a small manmade harbor.