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中国要求美国就轮胎特保案启动WTO磋商。China takes US to WTO over tire tariffs.

而是我要证明他们是舛错的。It wto regardeds regards to proving them wrong!

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中国参加世贸含有寰球性的意思。China's entry into the WTO carries global implications.

非歧视性原则是世贸组织体系的基础。Non-discrimination rule is the foundation of WTO system.

伏思达祝贺中国加入世贸组织。Verhofstadt congratulated China on its accession to the WTO.

在近年的案例里,WTO趋向采取“肯定说”。WTO has trended to apply the positive claim hi recent cases.

世贸组织裁定,这类贷款属违禁出口补贴。The WTO ruled that the loans were prohibited export subsidies.

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支持多哈谈判的第二个理由,是要支持世贸组织本身。The second reason to support Doha is to bolster the WTO itself.

它接手了中国加入WTO的最后阶段事务。It shepherded the final phase of China's accession into the WTO.

世贸对香港的重要性不容置疑。Nor can I over-emphasise the importance of the WTO to Hong Kong.

世贸组织各成员方在运用反补贴措施时,必须遵守这一协议。The WTO members must comply with ASCM when using these measures.

中国的强硬派并不在意世贸组织会怎么看。Hard-liners on China aren't troubled by what the WTO might think.

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中国加入WTO后对医药产业必将产生深远的影响。China's entering WTO must affect Chinese medicine industry greatly.

或者,它也可以在适当的场合,向世贸组织挑战欧盟的规则。Or it could challenge EU rules at the appropriate venue at the WTO.

中国在加入世贸前愿意修订有关贸易的法律条例。Before the WTO entry China was willing to revise trade-related laws.

多哈回合是WTO的新一轮多边贸易谈判回合。The Duha Round is a new round of WTO multi-trade negotiation rounds.

WTO拒绝地方发展和处罚贫穷国家。The WTO undetermines local development and penalizes poor countries.

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嗯,目前有142个国家或地区是WTO的成员国。En, recently, there are 142 countries or regions belonging to the WTO.

第六届世界贸易组织部长级会议将在中国香港举行。The Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference will be held in Hong Kong, China.

笔者首先从历史的角度对秘书处做出了追根溯源。The author firstly reviews the historical evolution of WTO secretariat.