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这些贪官污吏企图岔开我们的调查。The corrupt officials tried to sidetrack our investigation.

而环境保护论者则指责美国试图转移话题。Environmentalists accuse it of trying to sidetrack the issue.

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该侧钻25是专为所有的城市旅游目的地。The Sidetrack 25 is built for all your urban travel destinations.

严重情况下,这些问题会强迫进行侧钻或者弃井。When severe, these problems can force to sidetrack or abandon a well.

不要受干扰,注意那些会让你分神的事物。Don't let yourself procrastinate and beware of things that would sidetrack you.

人们不该总是纠缠在中国太空技术所引发的恐惧上。Fears about China in space should not sidetrack people. This isn't the Cold War of U.

丑闻往往盖过了教会的福音信息,而当教会传扬福音信息时也常常不够集中和有力。Scandals sidetrack its message, which often is not as focused and compelling as it should be.

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定向套管开窗侧钻技术已成为井下大修作业的重要组成部分。Oriented case overshot for sidetrack drilling tech is a main component in down hole work-over operation.

不要钻牛角尖。例如,某个时间发生的事情并不重要,就不要浪费时间把它弄清楚。Don't sidetrack. For example, if the time something happened isn't important, don't waste time getting it right.

使用现代的软件意味着,您不会陷在过时的工作中,而跟不上时代的发展。Using modern software means you won't be stuck with an abandoned piece of work, left to rot on the sidetrack of history.

皮特,想念完高中直接念大学但是他想错了,结果他的思念在军队中度过了。Peter thought he would go to college, right after high school. But he got sidetrack . He spend four years in the army first.

由于螺杆钻具本身具有良好的动力特性,在套管内侧钻中得到广泛应用。Positive displacement motor is widely used in sidetrack drilling inside casing because of its excellent dynamic characteristic.

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近年来油田采用一些大斜度定向井、老井开窗侧钻井等钻井技术,测井面临如何作业的新问题。Some new logging problems have appeared because horizontal, extended reach and sidetrack wells have been widely drilled in recent years.

位于新疆牙哈地区的YH23-2-4井是在某直井基础上填井侧钻而成的凝析气田水平井。YH23-2-4 well is a sidetrack horizontal one in a condensate field located in Yaha district of Xinjiang, which was a straight one before.

不过,如果文章用字能充满意象与想像力,用耳目一新的方式表达想法,也不算是走偏了路。Yet fresh expression of ideas through imagery and imaginative word choice doesn't sidetrack a paper. Subtle wit that is pertinent is not a defect.

应用定向斜井及侧钻井技术、水动力学方法等进行调整挖潜。Many techniques are applied to adjustment and tapping potential including directed drilling, sidetrack drilling technique and hydrodynamic methods.

由于身边的噪音和活动常常会转移人们的注意力,因此很难在这种场合进行个人谈话或者就某一话题进行长久深入的讨论。Because the surrounding noise and activities often sidetrack people, it' s difficult to get personal or discuss any one topic at length or in depth.

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在深井盐层中进行侧钻困难较大,膏盐层的蠕动、缩径、垮塌等不稳定性是侧钻的最大障碍。It's difficult to sidetrack in the deep well in salt bed, especially the creeping of the gypsum-salt bed, hole diameter reduction and collapsion etc.

该模型严格地模拟了减压精馏塔的动态行为,模拟了稳态下进料发生变化时减压精馏塔中各塔板上液相浓度变化的曲线。This model austerely simulating dynamic action of vacuum distillation unit, and the dynamic curve of Vacuum's sidetrack from feed-in to static state.

针对定向井、侧钻井井眼轨道的常见类型给出了不同的优化数学模型,分析了计算过程,并给出了应用实例。According to the normal well path types of the directional and sidetrack wells, the calculating process is analyzed and the application cases are given.