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拖到绘图页后,可以添加阻止机动车通行的安全岛护柱。Drag onto the page to add a bollard for blocking vehicle access.

现在是时候攻击的安全扶手,柱洞,和舱口。It is time to attack the safety rails, bollard holes, and hatches.

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户外照明符号。可指定标准式或柱式。Symbol for outdoor lighting. Standard or bollard can be specified.

是它们让我分心撞上护栏的。This distraction caused me to lose concentration and hit a bollard.

浮式系船柱槽是万年闸船闸的重要组成部分。The floating bollard groove is an important component of Wannianzha ship lock.

在新西兰,新西兰央行行长波兰德今天讲话的语气相对强硬。In New Zealand, RBNZ Governor Bollard speech today had a relatively hawkish tone.

静态护栏系统是专为特殊位置设计,所以该围栏需要定做以满足您的特殊需要。Static bollard systems are designed for each site so they are tailored to meet specific threats.

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悉尼移民律师彼得波拉德说,旧的打分测试不如人意,对其进行改革就在所难免了。Sydney immigration lawyer Peter Bollard said reform was necessary since the old points test was not performing as expected.

介绍了浮式系船柱槽的详细施工方案和质量保证措施。In this paper, the detailed construction scheme and quality assurance measures for the floating bollard groove are introduced.

新西兰联储主席伯拉德对新西兰经济状况发表了措辞肯定的评价,并表示降低利率的可能性很小。RBNZ Governor Bollard made some strongly worded comments regarding the New Zealand economy and the low probability of easing rates.

联储主席伯拉德指出,国内经济增长步伐温和。但伯拉德评论中更为重要的内容是,未来升息存在可能性。Governor Bollard noted that the domestic economy is growing at a moderate pace and more importantly said that future rate hikes are likely.

对拖船螺旋桨来说,除了应计算系桩状态的静态强度外,还应计算自由航行状态的疲劳强度。As for a propeller of a tugboat, it is necessary to calculate the fatigue strength in the self running state as well as the static strength in the bollard state.

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新西兰央行行长波兰德表示经济复苏依然“曲折”,为此我们也可以对定于明天公布的国内生产总值做出些许的判断。RBNZ Governor Bollard was on the wires saying the economy was having a "patchy" recovery, and we will get further indication of this tomorrow with the GDP release.

波兰德说,通货膨胀率持续上升,但随着时间的推移,商品价格的下降将推动通货膨胀率的降低,并且进一步放松的货币政策也有利于通货膨胀率下降。Bollard said that inflation remained elevated, although declining commodity prices would bring inflation lower over time, and that further monetary easing will depend on inflation dropping.