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丁香属植物二新栽培变种。Two new cultivated varieties of syringa linn.

从窗口我闻到紫丁香的香味。Through the window I caught the scent of syringa.

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丁香属紫丁香叶挥发油成分的研究。Chemical constituents of volatile oil from leaf of syringa oblata l.

木犀科丁香属植物主要分布在中国、朝鲜、日本以及欧洲东南部。Syringa was distributed in China, North Korea, Japan and Southeast Europe.

丁香花属的任何一种植物,通常带有香味的花组成大的圆锥花序。Any of various plants of the genus Syringa having large panicles of usually fragrant flowers.

以丁香、连翘和榆叶梅为材料,研究了3种花灌木的萌生能力。The sprouting ability of 3 flowering shrub species, Syringa oblate, Forsythia suspense and Prunus triloba were studied.

中国是丁香属的自然分布中心,丁香主要分布在中国西南、西北、华北、东北等地区。China was the distribution center for Syringa. The species were distributed in Southwest, Northwest, North and Northeast China.

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小叶丁香叶柄表皮覆盖一层较薄的角质层,韧皮部外无韧皮纤维。In the petiole of Syringa microphylla Diels, thinner cuticle cover on the epidermis, there are no phloem fiber surround the phloem.

这道墙后面连续著深色的扁柏,随处还有那紫丁香把开著花的桠枝伸到庭院里来。Behind this wall ran dark hedges of yew trees, while here and there syringa trees trailed their blossoming branches over into the courtyard.

采用生态学、生理学、统计数学和模型构建等方法对紫丁香样本数据进行分析,深入研究紫丁香绿量的内涵,探索出了哈尔滨市紫丁香绿量的量化方法。Mathematic method and model were adopted to analyze the sample data and deeply explore the vegetation quantity of Syringa oblata in Harbin, and a quantitative method was put forward.

选取了哈尔滨市园林绿化上数量最多、应用最广的木犀科丁香属植物中的紫丁香为研究对象,立足于哈尔滨市的环境特点,具体分析紫丁香姿态、冠形、枝形、叶形的特点及其之间的关系。This study took Syringa oblata Lindl. , which is most widely used in landscape greenery in Harbin, as an object of study and stressed on the environmental characteristics of Harbin City.