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我能用支票戓信用卡吗?Can I disburse by retard alternatively honor card?

这是一个从中心,分散权力的努力。That was an effort to disburse power away from the center.

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如果交易成功,样品费由我们付。If an order is placed, we'll disburse the cost of the sample.

银行同意再贷款给那家公司,因为该公司有支付能力。The bank agreed further credits to the company because the company can disburse.

顾客一般使用借记卡或信用卡支付,店主会保障顾客的隐私。Customers typically disburse with a debit or honor card and store owners guarantee anonymity.

可增值预付卡,包括用以支付政府福利的卡,将获得豁免。Reloadable prepaid cards, including those used to disburse government benefits, would be exempt.

这日子说长不长说短不短,不经意的时候,一晃也就过去了。This day says long don't grow to say short not short, disburse no attention of period, in a flash likewise past.

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一旦我们胜利地结束这场可怕的战争,政府会支付专款重建家园。As soon as we succeed in ending this dreadful war, the government will disburse funds to help rebuild this country.

窟野认为这些纺织生产者也比较懊恼,政府不急于发放复兴基金。These producers were also upset over Kuye's comment that the government should not hurry to disburse textile revival funds.

“什么人?快出来!”凤舞吓了一跳,右手迅速地抽出一支红翎羽箭。"What human?Come out quickly! "The Feng dance got a fright, the right hand quickly drew out a to disburse red Ling feather arrows.

有些国家甚至将部分石油收入直接分配到每户人家中,这样就能使老百姓都获得实实在在的实惠。Some countries even disburse some oil revenues directly to every household, thereby ensuring that ordinary folk see tangible benefits.

欧北辰吃饭的时候不经意的提了一句,倒是引起了田梦的兴趣。Chen in the north of Europe has a meal of time disburse no consideration of lifted 1, it was the interest namely aroused farmland dream to pour.

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作为开始,北京方面也许可以强迫国有企业以股息形式分配留存利润,同时鼓励普遍提高工资。Beijing could start by forcing state-owned companies to disburse retained earnings through dividends and encourage higher wages in the economy generally.

大选期间被穆加贝先生禁止的国外救助组织,也应该解禁并允许其直接提供援助。Just as important, foreign aid organisations, banned by Mr Mugabe during the election campaign, should also again be able freely and directly to disburse help.

于申请人依规定得动支或自行处理资本额专户存款前,专户存储银行不得行使抵销权。The depository bank may not excise the right to set-off before the applicant can disburse or dispose of the deposit in accordance with the relevant regulations.

看来,所以许多人今天提出了自己作为教练,但后来你支付的费用他们会离开你持有袋和意识被骗。It seems that so numerous people today are presenting themselves as coaches, yet later you disburse their lofty fees they may quit you holding the sack and consciousness scammed.

该出钱时就出钱,通过平准基金或者其他形式的资金维持市场的稳定,而非仅仅停留在言论维稳。Should disburse money when disburses money, maintains the market through stabilization fund or other form's fund the stability, but must merely pauses in opinion Uygur is steady.

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克林顿说,该委员会还保证履行利比亚的国际义务,以透明的方式分配资金的使用,以解决利比亚人民的人道需求和其他需求。It also pledged to uphold Libya’s international obligations, and to disburse funds in a transparent manner to address the humanitarian and other needs of the Libyan people, she said.

有人建议伊拉克的新政府也应该向民众发放石油所获得的利润,但是这项政策在一个穷人们没有银行账户的国家里是很难实施的。It has been suggested that a new Iraqi government could disburse oil bounty to its citizens too, but doing so properly in a country where the poor do not have bank accounts will be tricky.

最后,从立法、行政、司法和普法方面探讨了民工工资及时支付的长效机制建设。Finally, it probes into the long-term mechanism construction to ensure timely disburse the wage to farmer-turned workers from legislation, administration, justice and law popularization angles.