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这是羊皮的。This is sheepskin.

常用的有猪皮、牛皮、羊皮等。Commonly used There pigskin, cowhide , sheepskin and so on.

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羊皮来自宜家,整座房子里还有很多。the sheepskin is from ikea, and ihave it all over the house.

她这个坎肩是软羊皮的,特别暖和。Her sleeveless jacket is made of soft sheepskin and is very warm.

最美妙的黄油软羊皮皮革手工制作。Hand-crafted from the most wonderful butter-soft sheepskin leather.

该机器主要是为梳整大、中型绵羊皮而设计的。This machine is designed for carding sheepskin in large and middle size.

然而为了保持绝对的柔软度,请善待的你羊皮手套。However, for luxurious softness, you can't beat the texture of sheepskin.

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有多少人,被披上羊皮,扔进野兽群中?How many of them were covered with sheepskin and thrown in to wild animals?

要是他掉进水里,他还有新棉裤,还有老羊皮袄。If he dropped into water, he had a new wadded pants, and one sheepskin coat.

布朗·本的票据在最后,那个接在一个带毛的羊皮卷轴上。Brown Ben's note was the last. That one had been inscribed upon a sheepskin scroll.

纳西族女性羊皮披肩是纳西族传统服饰中的精华。The sheepskin cape is the cream of traditional clothing culture of Naxi nationality.

脱脂是毛革两用绵羊皮制造过程中一个关键工序。Degreasing is one of the key processes to manufacture double faced sheepskin leather.

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提及了东北单鼓与天水羊皮鼓的简单比较。A simple comparison between Tianshui sheepskin drum and northeast single drum is mentioned.

过路客人用那老年人习惯做事的手收拾好东西,扣上皮袄。After packing his things with his practised old hands, the traveller buttoned up his sheepskin.

从奢华的羊皮地板到美轮美奂的外部装饰,幻影出现的本身就是对豪华最好的诠释。From the sheepskin floor mats to the retractable winged hood ornament, the Phantom is a luxury.

定形工将裁好的合成革合帮定形,然后将鞋从出鞋口弹出。The Shoe Shaper then shapes the slit synthetic sheepskin sheets, and shoots out shoes through the chute.

一种大的黑色帽子,通常用羊皮或毡皮制成,应用于土耳其、高加索、伊朗和邻近地区。A large black cap, usually of sheepskin or felt, worn in Turkey, the Caucasus, Iran, and neighboring regions.

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重点介绍了德赛尔化工实业有限公司皮化产品在生产绵羊缩纹革方面的工艺要点和工艺规程。It was discussed mainly on the techniques of making shrinkage sheepskin leather using Decision leather chemicals.

避免与坦珀利伦敦的经典黑色羊皮背心配体结合区顶传授与奢华的波希米亚边缘的外观。Top off a classic LBD with Temperley London's black sheepskin vest to impart your look with a luxe bohemian edge.

不适用于油皮革、绒面革、磨沙革和羊皮革皮鞋。Not available for oiled leather shoes, suede leather shoes, stone washed leather shoes and sheepskin leather shoes.