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他明白了,他过去过于专横跋扈He understands that,he has acted immoderately.

现在你可以吃了,不过还是得节制。Now you may eat, though still not immoderately.

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我们哄笑起来,有些过分,以致于他那个晚上早早就让我们放学了。We laughed so immoderately that he had to dismiss us for that evening.

驱动土地覆被变化的主导因素是人类经济活动对自然资源的不合理利用。The drive factor is local economic action, which use natural resource immoderately.

尤其是专门研究人员和研究机构不足还有以往的研究资料很少。Experts, institutions, researches connected with the TV Home Shopping industry are immoderately short.

仍然其它人意见野生烟草,象酒精一样,作为基本上无害放任,危险只有当无节制使用时。Others still view marijuana, like alcohol, as a largely harmless indulgence, dangerous only when used immoderately.

主要表现在技巧的过分程式化使其逐渐蜕变为纯技术的匠人作派。That is mainly showed on immoderately stylized artifice, which has transformed into pure-technique style of craftsman.

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因此,很多学生每天没有节制地在网上聊天或打电子游戏,逃过重要课程。Consequently, many student just chat on line or play computer games immoderately every day, skipping many important classes.

在现代建筑体系中,装饰是极其昂贵的,因为它既被放错了地方,又被错误地完成。In the modern system of architecture, decoration is immoderately expensive, because it is both wrongly placed and wrongly finished.

侯卖的电影里充满了光和色——是他制作的最美的电影之一——从那时起我非常感激他。Rohmer flooded the screen with light and color—the film is one of the most beautiful ever made—and ever since that experience I have been immoderately grateful to him.

人类无节制地使用环境和资源的行为遭到了环境的报复,进而开始研究可持续发展问题。Mankind's behaviors of immoderately use the environment and resources suffered from the retaliation of environment, and then begin to study the sustainable development problem.

伦敦金融城、曼哈顿金融区以及其他一些金融中心化身为印钞机,使得投资银行家、对冲基金经理以及私人股本运作者赚得盆满钵满。The City of London, lower Manhattan, and a few other centers became money machines that made investment bankers, hedge-fund managers, and private equity folk immoderately wealthy.