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我至今还能记起恐慌袭上心头的那一刻。I can pinpoint the moment the panic set in.

经鉴别这是棉、府绸、牛津的混合物。Pinpoint is a combination of cotton, poplin and Oxford.

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纵然是暗夜里独行,我也可以找准方向。It is just a lone dark of night, I can pinpoint the direction.

调查人员正力图准确地查出事故的原因。Investigators are trying to pinpoint the cause of the accident.

这可能能帮你找到引发潮热的原因。This may help you pinpoint what's triggering those hot flashes.

这是找出问题,发现未满足需要的又一个途径。This is another way to pinpoint problems and detect unmet needs.

但是这些地图指出了那些尚未进行砷测试的地区。But these maps pinpoint areas where arsenic has not been tested for.

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我会给CTU发个定位信号,这样雅梅可以查明我的位置。I'm sending CTU a positioning signal so Jamey can pinpoint my location.

头顶的冠必须是居中的,并且有中心点。The coronet must be evenly centered, and should have a pinpoint center.

这位品酒师能精确到令人不可思议的说出酒的产地和日期。A wine critic can pinpoint a vineyard and vintage with uncanny accuracy.

我希望我可以掌握我那灵感乍现的精确时间,但是我不能。I wish I could pinpoint when exactly I had the ah-ha moment, but I can’t.

但是多年来,这一领域都在致力于指出每个分子的作用。But for years the field struggled to pinpoint the purpose each one serves.

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一个处理的方法就是明确指出相关的情感,并把它们叙述出来。One way to deal with that is to pinpoint and mention the relevant emotion.

我无法有意识地准确描述这种感觉,但我知道我们的关系不一般。I couldn’t consciously pinpoint it, but I knew our relationship felt special.

梅尔文发现的一份文件帮助他准确地定位了朝鲜的航空信号灯位置。Melvin found one that helped him pinpoint North Korea's aeronautical beacons.

有时候会有一点侦查工作需要找到确切的坐标。Sometimes a bit of detective work is needed to pinpoint the exact coordinates.

如果能够准确确定材料,就可以使用其他材料改变其外观。When you can pinpoint material, you can surgically replace it with other material.

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他们需要病情恶化的模型,使他们能够查明药物靶点。They need to model the progression of the illness so they can pinpoint drug targets.

现在,德·莫拉埃斯研究室的人员怀疑这种草是利用化学信号来确定食物位置的。De Moraes’ lab suspects that the weed is using chemical signals to pinpoint its meal.

整个过程能很好的进行精确的分析,甚至连哮喘也能被检测到。The whole process can pinpoint the analysis so well that even asthma can be detected!