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那个家伙真可怜。That guy is pitiful.

这匹马一副可怜相。The horse was a pitiful sight.

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带你跟她一起去,可怜的三心二意的人!Take you with her, pitiful changeling?

最可怜的例子在57页。And the most pitiful example of it is on 57.

阿门,但愿大家的男朋友不要听见。God, hope their pitiful boyfriends can't hear that.

妄督他不能来的消孝后,我多少有些优憾。I was or less pitiful at the news he couldn't come.

这是可怜的少女受了薄幸的男子欺侮?Were they pitiful maidens deflowered by fickle men?

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吟游诗人将不会在你那可鄙的王朝上多费口舌。Bards will not spare breath upon your pitiful empire.

小说基本的密谋跑一敲了令人可怜的生活历史。The novel basic plot is Ran A Rang pitiful life history.

刀扇有什么用啊?那伤害简直低得可怜。What's the point of Fan of Knives? The damage is pitiful.

当你不知道迷惑时那才是最可怜的。When you did not know confuses when that is most pitiful.

没有人想去嘲笑这个痛不欲生、可怜又可鄙的唐璜。No one wants to laugh at that tormented, pitiful Don Juan.

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和我们令人同情的生活不一样的是,你们的生活是幸福和快乐的。Different from our pitiful lives, your life was happy and sunny.

当时明尼苏达大学正经历一个令人同情的橄榄球赛季。The University of Minnesota was having a pitiful football season.

姑娘悲悲凄凄的叙述深深地打动了老太太的心。The girl's pitiful narration touched the old lady's heart deeply.

难道是装的,让大家以为你有多可怜?Don't be loaded , let everybody thought that you have more pitiful?

可怜的大狗啊,痛苦了快半个小时,呵呵!My pitiful big dog which were painful for really half an hour, Ha-ha!

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早餐很可怜,还不包含在3080港币以内。Breakfast is pitiful and its not inclusive in the HKD 3080 that I paid.

诗人们不会为你可悲的帝国浪费笔墨。我必将你碾为尘土。Bards will not spare breath upon your pitiful empire. I shall crush you.

梅斯依然还记得那些被困者和受伤者的令人同情的哀号。Mace still remembers the pitiful wailing of the trapped and the wounded.