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她是一个意志坚强的人。She is a strong- willed person.

那个寡妇已经立遗嘱把她的全部财产处理掉。The widow has willed away all her fortune.

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他立遗嘱把他大部分的钱都留给了孤儿院。He willed most of his money to the orphanage.

我们想让他停车,但他迳直开过去了。We willed him to stop, but he just drove past.

老妇人立遗嘱将她的一半财产赠给这所学校。The old woman willed half her fortune to the school.

人群惊恐地尖叫着,他们希望盖利能站起来坚持下去。The crowd gasped with horror and willed him to get up.

她的样子看上去与其说是女孩不如说是男孩,她意志坚强。She looks more like a boy than a girl and is strong willed.

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斯穆尔相信,在吉姆的意念当中,他活不到48岁。Smoller believes that Jim willed himself not to live to the age of 48.

上帝要珂赛特遇到的爱是那种护助人的爱。God willed that Cosette's love should encounter one of the loves which save.

个性强的两个人通常会制造出很多紧张的局面。These two very strong willed individuals generally create some rather stormy moments.

站在起跳台上,我集中意志,号令全身的肌肉进入备战状态,两耳则警觉地等待着发令员的指示。Up on the blocks I willed my muscles into obedience, alert for the starter's commands.

感谢上帝,霍·阿卡蒂奥和雷贝卡结婚啦,现在他们挺幸福。God willed that José Arcadio and Rebeca should get married, and now they're very happy.

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一所摆满家具的小房子,一小片精耕细作的土地和一位心灵美好的妻子是最好的财富。A little house well filled, a little land well tilled, and a little wife well willed are great riches.

你的幸福,我来建筑,你的糊涂,我来弥补,你的贪图,我来满足,你的任性我来让步,爱你,非我莫属。Your happiness, I'll building, you confused me up, your greed, I'll meet you willed me to give, love you, mine.

而他是实验室的负责人,卡文迪许在18世纪留下一笔财富,捐给给剑桥。So, he was the director of the laboratory, and Cavendish made a fortune in the 1700s, and willed it to Cambridge.

透特是一个不朽的人物,也就是说,他已经征服了死亡,只有当他决定离去时才离世,即使那样,他也不经历死亡。Thoth was an immortal, that is, he had conquered death, passing only when he willed and even then not through death.

当今政府的坚强意志和决心将会带领我们度过充满挑战的时期。The strong willed determination of the current federal government is going to get us through these challenging times.

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意志坚强的人,另一方面,将迎着困难站起来,并使它最终成为成功的一点。A strong willed person, on the other hand, will stand up against all odds and will make it a point to succeed at last.

荷马扬叔叔告诉我他已经立下遗嘱,他死后房子就由我继承,他一死信托协议马上就以我的名义签发生效。Uncle Homayoun told me that he had willed the house to me and that the deed of trust would be issued in my name after his death.

他还没平得及安排便收到了一封电报,告知他父亲逝世了,并立下了遗嘱将其所有财产留给儿子。Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son.