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诗篇作者说。The Psalmist said.

诗篇作者说。The Psalmist says.

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反而,诗人教导我们要信靠。The psalmist teaches us instead to trust.

诗篇作者在这个祷告中求告什么?What is the Psalmist asking in this prayer?

我们这位的诗人肯定对痛苦和试炼不感到陌生。Our psalmist is certainly no stranger to afflictions and trials.

在今天的经文中,诗篇作者提醒我们感恩的重要。The psalmist reminds us today that it's important to give thanks.

我很高兴的是诗篇作者对神说有些事是艰难的。I have always been glad that the Psalmist said to God that some things were hard.

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在一个深切的意义上,我想我们可以说诗人的盼望是一种控蚤。I think we can say that the hope of the psalmist is in a profound sense a protest.

您可以分析和检查的任何一部分内存离开其地址。Through the descriptions of the Psalmist in this portion , we can see his situation.

诗人从悔改的心里说出以色列历史的消极面。The psalmist speaks from a repentant heart, showing the negative side of Israel's history.

当诗人目睹竟然有这麽多人不遵行耶和华的律法,他不仅感到悲伤,而且也感到愤怒。It not only grieves, but it angers the psalmist to see many who do not follow the Lord's Law.

诗人在完全绝望的情况下,仍然顺服上帝的神圣和公义。Even in utter despondence, the psalmist cannot deny the fact that God is still holy and righteous.

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诗人渴望在敬拜中与神相会,有神同在便能满足他心灵的渴求。The psalmist longs to meet with God in worship, relieving the thirst of his soul in God's presence.

因为他的盼望是在于上帝,诗人保持不让现实的情况将他打倒。Because his hope is in God the psalmist refuses to let the current circumstances of his life defeat him.

赞美诗的作者,也常常借用这种思想,谴责社会不公正,对穷人的剥削。The Psalmist is going to use this motif when he denounces social injustice, exploitation of the poor and so on.

诗人很快就会恢复他的信心,而且他也会用快乐的声调赞美上帝。Confident that it will soon be accomplished, the tone of the psalmist drastically changes to joyously praising God.

因着诗篇有王室的背景,也有释经家认为诗人指的肯定是军事上的危机。Others argue that given the royal context of the psalm, the psalmist must have been referring to a military crisis.

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他能够相信上帝,是因为诗人已经学会回顾上帝在他的民族的历史中所行的大事。The psalmist can put his faith in God because he has learned to remember his mighty acts in the history of his people.

大卫成为「以色列的美歌者」,诗篇有半数以上是由他写成。David became known as the "sweet psalmist of Israel " for his skill in composing half of the psalms in Israel's hymnbook.

也因为诗人记得上帝在过去是如何地信实,所以他能够在此时此地将生命交托给上帝。And because he remembers the faithfulness of God in the past, the psalmist is able to entrust his life to God in the present.